Bryce Osceola's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Florida Geek Scene Reviews: 22
8.9Avg. Review Rating

This issue is definitely an action-oriented sequence as there is less dialogue than I had anticipated. The arrangement of scenes is smooth and easy to understand. A great read for horror/thriller fans!

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Written and illustrated by Charles C. Dowd, creator of children's comics and books such as Kidthulu and Penny Powers, Lilith Dark is a splendid fantasy tale for all ages.

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This story is a heart-warming one, as at every turn in his journey he is shunned and chased like a monster, readers can't help but feel sorry for him as he tries to find out just how he came to be. The art style is clear and crisp and fits the theme of the story. The dialogue gives readers the feeling that this story is meant for all audiences and ages, with no sense of mature language or adult concepts. This is definitely a comic that the whole family can enjoy!

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Rochelle packs a lot of liveliness into its first issue and leaves readers wanting more after they read the last page. There is some enjoyable themes similar to Poltergeist film and Ant-Man comic series, and all of the different themes seem to come together nicely in the story. Hopefully, the upcoming issues will explore more of the backstory of Rochelle's origins and delve deeper into the personalities of the characters. All in all, Rochelle promises to be an exciting action, sci-fi adventure that will make readers weary of their iPads!

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This issue is in black and white, which works splendidly with the historical nature of the story and still manages to capture the emotional state of Matthew during his journey. The writing is fantastic, featuring other historical characters that managed to learn how to time travel!

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This story boasts the usual formula that never fails to entertain readers who are a fan of the superhero genre, but there are some who wish to see a new element brought into the fray for superhero stories. The artwork is great and does a great job of making sure Huck looks strong, but has a gentle soul. This could be a great tale if the creators add in some new story elements, but a worthwhile read for fans of the genre.

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This issue is definitely a strong beginning to a promising series that will entertain any supernatural/horror fan! The artwork is great and does a wonderful job of creating truly frightening scenes. The writing is slightly choppy, but not so much as to distract from the story.

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Cognetic is a mesmerizing thriller that is written at the perfect pace to keep readers entertained and anxious for whatever happens on the next page. It is a wonderful blend of sci-fi action and suspense mixed with biblical/historical drama. The artwork fits perfectly with the story and captures the hive mind mentalityas the people are possessed by a sentient, psychic force. The only flaw is that readers will have to wait until issue 2 to see what happens!

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Although this comic might seem "kid-oriented", it offers a fantastic way to bolster interactivity and engagement with the story through the various puzzles. Also, the fact that readers can color the comic any way they want offers readers a new plane to connect with the comic and its story. The level of "user-input" in this comic makes it a masterpiece and allows readers to create their very own art. Adventures of Psycho Bonkers is wonderful for all ages!

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Baboushka really delivers with the espionage stealth vibes and Bond-style action, but it's character development that gets just a tad confusing. Contessa's monologue in the beginning was very dark and grim, but when she gets into a fighting sequence she spouts juvenile jabs that just come off as immature. The artwork is satisfying, with extravagant settings but a lack of popping colors. The storyline is very interesting and promises a lot of spy thrills and covert mission sequences, but readers will probably start wondering which kind of personality Contessa has and be confused if they see too many contradictory behaviors. In the end, Baboushka is a must for espionage fans!

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The flaws of this issue are minimal, whilst reading the Action Scientists' storyline about formulating a plan to get Robo, there is a switchback back and forth between the scientists to the government agency hunting down Robo and any known associates. The military storyline is a bit dull and provokes little interest. The absence of Atomic Robo's presence hits fans of the series deep in the soul, devotees will find themselves missing Robo's humor and wise cracks, which makes the mission to find him all that more urgent! Atomic Robo is a widely loved character and has had many wild adventures, veteran fans or new readers will love this series!

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This issue boasts in superb storytelling, creating suspense and intrigue as the scenes change. The writing is slightly choppy,causing interruptions to the story flow. The artwork is wonderful, with realistic style and brilliant use of colors. Hacktivist delivers on the popular story of Graft and Hiccox, and conveying new twists on the fascinating world of cyber-crime and hacktivist revolutionaries.

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The artwork and dark storytelling play true to Kindt's signature style. For comic book fans that are looking for something outside the box in terms of creativeness and originality, Mind MGMT is a must!

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This issue is a must-read for any supernatural or Ghostbuster fan! The artwork delivers incredibly as it is easy to distinguish the characters from their other-dimensional counterparts. The Real Ghostbuster characters have more vibrant and bold coloring while the live-action inspired Ghostbuster team boast more dulled hues and sharper lines. The writing is great and delivers an entertaining storyline brimming with ghosts, witches and angry gods!

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The artwork of this comic is very dark and disturbing, but it goes great with the horror feeling of the story. Also, all of the heavy colors add to the sense of how awful life is in the dystopian setting. The writing is very alluring and pulls readers in to the suspicion of the story, but there are a few points where readers might get confused as to what is real and what is not, as this story has a lot of shifts from reality. All in all, Empty Zone is a very original story and is a great experience for any horror or sci-fi fan!

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If one is a fan of biblical themes and different takes on stories involving religious scriptures, then this comic will definitely please. The organization of this comic is somewhat confusing, with jumps to different points in time. The artwork is very pleasing, with details of ancient cities and displays of the Ark's incredible destructive power.

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Stingray is definitely worth the read for any superhero fan! With the League of Defenders and all of their different and mesmerizing powers and with the mysterious motives of Stingray herself, it absolutely delivers both in story and in presentation. The artwork and organization of Stingrayoffers realistic styles and rich coloring. Readers will be buzzing with anticipation for more of Stingray due to Kelly's dark backstory and action!

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This story has a very promising plot that slowly reveals itself during the first issue. The idea of teenage drama and clashing personalities in such a hostile environment will make readers want to grab the next chapter in this emotional ride from hell!

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The artwork in this comic is dark and weighty, with pops of bold coloring to intensify the moment. The Native American folklore is somewhat scattered, with the mentioning of the Duwamish Tribe near Seattle, the “yee naaldlooshi” is a phrase in the Navajo language, and later the phrase “miyelo ca kola nagi tanka” is said but it consists of words from the Lakota language. It's wonderful to have Native American inspired stories and themes, but it would be more effective if the language/cultural aspects were attributed to the appropriate tribe. Overall,Snarlis a captivating mystery that will leave readers craving more!

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The artwork in this issue is fantastic, thebright colors and perfect amount of details makes the visual aspect of the story stand out. The styling of the artwork is magicalyet simple, making it wonderful and easy to view. The writing is great and the story flows with ease with the help of the interesting box layout of each scene. Overall, this issue is absolutely exceptional and delivers on every aspect of what makes a comic lovable and best of all, anyone of any age can enjoy it!

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The artwork of this issue mesmerizes with its simplicity. The colors are very realistic and do a fantastic job of setting the mood for the environment. The story flow of this issue is slightly choppy, with sudden scene transitions that seem out of place and/or out of context. But overall, Halogen appears to bring intriguing characters and a captivating plot that promises an epic adventure.

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A lot of things happen in the first issue, which makes the story seem a bit rushed, but other than that the action and banter between the characters is great!

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