Glenn Collins's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 13
6.2Avg. Review Rating

JLA: Liberty & Justice #1

Nov 21, 2003

Another masterpiece in this oversized series of works from Paul Dini and Alex Ross. The original JLA are the 1927 Yankees of comic book history and this work enshrines their place in the pantheon. They are why we started to read comic books in the first place.

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Wonder Woman (1987) #198

Nov 21, 2003

P.S. Whats with the cover? Makes Wonder Woman look like one of those short-skirted ensigns from 1960s Star Trek.

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Hellblazer #189

Nov 20, 2003

A solid set-up issue briskly paced with interesting color work that enhances the atmosphere of the story. If you have not picked up Hellblazer recently, or ever, this is a good opportunity to get into the story. Lets see if future issues build on this promising beginning. One question where the trenchcoat?

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Hellblazer #190

Dec 2, 2003

Fast paced with a twist at the end. If its not exactly as intellectually stimulating as Hellblazer storylines can be, its not anything to be ashamed of either. I want to see how this will end.

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Hellblazer #191

Jan 14, 2004

In true five-part fashion weve hit the climax of the story here in Act III. This is nicely paced and as Ive said more action oriented than intellectually stimulating. But its good action and theres something to be said for that.

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Green Arrow (2001) #32

Nov 14, 2003

The end of the Winick run on Green Arrow should not be missed. While it was difficult to follow Straight Shooter with just one more issue, Winick writes a nice epilogue here enhancing the supporting cast of what is already a very strong book. This current run of Green Arrow has been blessed with truly exceptional writers to date. Lets see if it continues . . .

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Green Arrow (2001) #33

Dec 22, 2003

Wow, this was a truly horrible story. While it had good intentions and a sort of funny idea for a plot, the amateurish artwork was a real eyesore. And the plot kept going off track with one bad idea after another. Luckily Mr. Winick returns next issue and presumably so will the characters facial features since Hester and Parks return too.

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Green Arrow (2001) #34

Jan 22, 2004

Green Arrow is back in stride. Drama blends perfectly with action and it's like issue #33 never happened. Whew.

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Aquaman (2002) #12

Nov 14, 2003

The entire Thirst storyline could be skipped and you would not miss much. Lets just see what this new team can do with Aquaman and heh, maybe Peter David is waiting in the wings.

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Aquaman (2002) #13

Dec 24, 2003

Not bad, but not worth going out of your way to pick up. If you were turned off by The Thirst you might consider giving it another try.

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Aquaman (2002) #14

Jan 22, 2004

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JLA #90

Nov 29, 2003

I suppose it could have been worse. Diana could have said something like, Bruce, love means never having to say youre sorry. Im sorry I paid $2.25 for this.

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JLA #91

Dec 30, 2003

The environmental theme is worthy. I only wish you could say the same of the writing and artwork.

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