Hank Johnson's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Spectrum Reviews: 32
8.1Avg. Review Rating

I thought the overall series is moving in the right direction but felt this issue was nowhere near the quality that Peter David has the capacity to produce but had enough good moments to make it enjoyable. The new team dynamic Peter David has put in place has me really excited to see what is coming next and has spared the title from being cut from my reading list.

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As someone not actively engaged in the Futures End event, I appreciated that Lemire wrote the book in such a way that it rewarded me for reading the prior Green Arrow arcs, but did not assume I was reading all of Future's End. Sorrentino and Maiolo are an amazing team that complement Lemire's writing to the fullest. If you have been reading Lemire's run on Green arrow, this is some of his best work. If you have not been reading it, I'd suggest you skip this issue and look for the previous trade. While this work isn't the best place to start on Green Arrow, it stands out as a great story.

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This was an exceptional character piece focusing on Cap, yet it never lost track of the story, which could have easily happened given the time travel nature of the story. Hickman did an exceptional job keeping this story tightly focused and moving forward through time. Hickman's run on Avengers could be some of the best Avenger's stories in the franchise. With the last page, it looks like the next arc will be equally as compelling.

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Overall, Storm #1 is an excellent story that is pitch and tone perfect. Greg Pak clearly has done his homework on the character and made a story that not only captures her essence, but is accessible to anyone who enjoys comics. Victor Ibanez's art adds depth and subtlety to make this issue come alive. I thought this book was great and I cannot wait until the next issue. Bravo, Mr. Pak, Bravo!

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Each issue of Coffin Hill keeps getting consistently better. While I am not a horror or supernatural fan, there is something compelling about Kittredge's style that has gotten me hooked on this title. Coffin Hill is an amazing series and worthy of consideration for comics “best of” lists and awards. Even if you don't like horror or supernatural series, give Coffin Hill a try and I believe you will be pleasantly surprised at the intricate story and mind blowing art. This is one series that should be on your pull list.

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This book had heart, artistic vision, and an interesting and compelling premise. The issue carried the essence of every great Fantastic Four story. The sequential art is stylistic and stunning and worth the cover price alone. I'm glad I read this and am on board for the 100th Anniversary as it continues.

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An amazing event and seems to be self-contained to the main series instead of being lost throughout a lot of tie-ins, one of the great things about this event is that I didn't feel like you needed to have an exhaustive knowledge of the current Marvel Universe to pick it up and enjoy it. This is a great series and definitely worth reading.

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After viewing all of the evidence, I can make a summary judgment that Inhuman is an exceptional book and well worth the cover price. While the art is not to my particular taste, Charles Soule has a great handle on these characters and the Inhuman royal family is in good hands. While there is periculum in mora considering the pace of the first two issues, I think the strength of Soule's writing will carry the day and minimize any impact.

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The bottom line is that if you have been following the Avengers titles, this book is a must read game changer. It was exceptionally well done and Hickman and Larroca should be complimented for nailing what could otherwise be a boring talking head style issue. This issued has moved Avengers up on my “must read” list.

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This is one series that cries out to me for a deluxe edition with oversized art and a detailed look at the creative process. Lazarus, with this issue, has become my favorite ongoing series in comics today, bar none. Rucka, Lark, and Arcas have created a comic masterpiece to be enjoyed again and again. While each of the reviewers at ComicSpectrum have different tastes and sometimes wildly different opinions, I am now the fourth different person who has reviewed an issue of Lazarus for the site and given it a 4.5 or a 5. Lazarus is a book that every comic fan should at least give a try. This wednesday (4/30) Image will put out a $1 copy of Lazarus #1. If you've never tried it, you should head to your shop and risk $1 on this fabulous series.

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For me, this comic is miles above most others on the stands right now and I think that it has the potential to stand the test of time and read as well years from now as it does right now “in the moment”. I am going to not only continue to buy the issues, but double dip and get the trade as well. Even though issue #3 is not a great jumping on point, it is the best issue in the series so far. If you enjoy great characters, amazing art, and the willingness to experience something that is different from other super-hero books on the stands, Ms. Marvel is the book for you.

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Overall, I believe your level enjoyment of the story will vary depending on your level of expectations and experience in the X-Universe. If you are someone not versed in X-Men lore, I think it would be somewhat inaccessible and frustrating due to its lack of backstory. If you are an X-Men fan, I think you will really enjoy this book. That said, Nauck's art alone makes this book fun just to look at.

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This book is one of my favorite X-Universe titles currently being printed. Bunn, Walta, and Bellaire are doing some of their best work. This character exploration piece is a great compliment to the Uncanny X-Men series, but completely stands on its own as well. You don't need a Ph.D. in X-Men history to enjoy this series, just a willingness to take the plunge and give it a try it. This book is a shining example of what talented, creative individuals can do when left free to tell a story not bogged down in X-Men continuity. It has an exceptional story, beautiful art and colors that provoke emotional responses and really enhance the mood of the book. I can't wait to see the next issue.

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The bottom line is this issue made me feel like an addict who finally realized they reached rock bottom. I have been buying Supergirl issues chasing after the character that Spencer, et al. introduced to me pre-Flashpoint. Only now, looking at my empty wallet, do I realize that Kara Zor-El has been gone for almost two and half years, and she is not coming back (at least not any time soon). While Bedard and Cinar are obviously skilled craftsmen, their work on this issue was far below their best. Supergirl #29 felt to me like good fan fiction gone wrong instead of a well thought out crossover event.

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If you liked True Detective on HBO, I highly recommend you check out this series. Garth Ennis and Craig Cermak have created a truly exceptional story that is not only thought provoking but action packed as well. While the characters may not get developed as deeply as they are in some of Ennis's other works, they are still compelling enough to keep you hooked on the story. Red Team is a great example that not every story has to have capes and tights to be compelling and intriguing. I would highly recommend taking the time and giving this series a read.

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The bottom line is you should be reading this title. Soule and Pulido are crafting a great story that embraces what is best of the Marvel Universe without slavish devotion to continuity. The first two issues have been great done in one stories with an overarching plot. While it is still early in the calendar year, this is definitely a candidate for best new series and if Soule continues to produce this type of high quality work, he should be a shoe in as my pick for writer of the year. Soule and Pulido are crafting a story that years from now I think people will be pointing to as a must read gem. Don't miss this book!

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Overall, since issue #6, this series has been nothing short of superb. Remender and McNiven deliver a powerful story that is both creative and intelligent. Being an avid comic reader for over 20 years, this issue has one of the best payoffs I have ever had the pleasure to read. Will the events in this issue and series be undone? The bottom line is they have to be. However, when I read this issue, those thoughts did not even enter my mind because of Remender's incredible storytelling and McNiven's magnificent art. This book is one of my favorite ongoing series being published today and this issue is a true high water mark for the series.

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Overall, Birds of Prey #28 is an exceptionally average comic book. Nothing in the book is really bad, but nothing is really exceptional either. The GothTopia story is easily forgettable, but the seeds planted in the last 5 pages of the issue were very refreshing and show promise for the series. I would not recommend anyone buy this issue unless they are already reading the series.

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Overall, this book is an excellent example of what a talented creator can accomplish when given time to let his or her storylines come to fruition. From issue number one, Wolverine and The X-Men has been at the top of my stack and I am upset to see it end next issue. Aaron was able to produce some of the best of the X-Men since Chris Claremont's transcendent run in the 1980's. If you haven't read an X-book since the 1990's, check out this series and this issue in particular.

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Overall, this book is probably not a great read except for hardcore X-Men fans. Despite its labelling, there are much better jumping on points for new readers. The art feels a bit rushed and the story somewhat inconsistent and confusing. However, the events of this issue give me high hopes for the future of this title. Introducing the two new antagonists mentioned in this issue have the potential to turn this book from good to great. If you are interested in picking up this title start with issue #7 or buy the trade.

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It is hard to say much more without spoiling the issue. This is probably one of the best single issues I have ever read. The story was unique and unlike anything I have ever read before. It is easily one of the best comics I have read in the last 5 years. Superior Foes of Spider-Man is one of my favorite series currently being published and is definitely worth your consideration.

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Kick-Ass 3 #5 is over the top and bombastic, but in the greatest of ways. This issue is by far my favorite of the series, and I cannot wait to dive into the next issue and find out what happens next.

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Even if you are not a fan of X-books, this is a must read. You don't need to know anything about the extensive history of the X-Men to be able to enjoy it and it is a done in one issue. Issues like Uncanny X-Men #14 are what make the mutant line of books at Marvel some of the best on the shelves. With Bendis shaping the X-universe we are in a new golden age for the title.

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If you love the team dynamic of the X-Men series, you will love Harbinger. This comic is wonderful, inventive and fun. It is one of the best new series being published today and is on the top of my stack. Joshua Dysart has squarely placed himself as a writer to keep your eye on and I can't wait for the next issue.

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Overall, Secret is the best ongoing title written by Hickman, and I cannot wait until the next issue. If you enjoy spy / espionage stories with a human touch you need to try out this book.

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Saga continues to be one of the consistently greatest books on the shelves today. The story is rich, vibrant, and full of symbolism. Vaughan and Staples are crafting something that will stand the test of time. I believe that Saga has the potential to one day replace Watchmen as the series everyone refers to when they talk about transcendent comics.

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Overall Sheltered is a strong comic and perfectly captures our current age where conspiracy theories abound and government agencies routinely violate our privacy. I highly recommend this book and can't wait for the third issue to see what twists lie ahead. Definitely worth every penny.

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Overall this is a great comic and one that transcends the medium. I highly recommend you go out and grab yourself a copy and enjoy.

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While you could pick up Absolution: Rubicon without having read the previous issues, I would strongly encourage you to find the first trade. The additional information it has adds layers to the story which make it all the more enjoyable.

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I'll keep reading The Movement for the rest of the run because Simone has earned my trust with her previous work and I am hopeful she can turn it around from near misses and ineffective humor to the compelling social narrative that lies underneath.

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Davids run on X-Factor is coming to an end with issue #262. His run lasted around 10 years. That is quite an accomplishment in todays marketplace. I am on board to the end.

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Marvel editor Tom Brevoort insists that Age of Ultron is happening now in the Marvel Universe. If so then why have no other books touched the topic (save for those cleverly marked and marketed as AU issues)? It seems like a complete waste of time and more importantly money. For $3.99, I wish I had passed.

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