Jeremy Eloi's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Infinite Comix Reviews: 38
7.9Avg. Review Rating

Catwoman (2011) #37

Dec 19, 2014

Overall, what the new creative team has given us is a mysterious, multilayered, and human Selina Kyle. Add this to the story and side characters and this is the best issue of Catwoman in the New 52 run. Catwoman is now a book that should be on the must read list and this new creative team has done an amazing job.

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Catwoman (2011) #38

Jan 30, 2015

Overall, this book is one of the best books that DC Comics is putting out and that is thank to the changes that Valentine and Brown have brought to the book. They have crafted a Selina that is strong, powerful, and at times not afraid to get her hands dirty. This issue brings down the mood and contrasts some of the strong points that have been a staple of this new creative team. This is an arc that has been something special so far and while this issue is not as good as previous ones it is still a solid addition.

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Catwoman (2011) #40

Mar 28, 2015

Catwoman #40 was a great read and when it is included with the whole of the arc it is a satisfying finale. While the arc is not perfect and there are things that could be done better, it is the right direction for the book. Selina taking back the mantle of Catwoman will make her complete, and it is interesting to see how it will unfold.

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Catwoman (2011) Annual #2

Dec 25, 2014

While the numbering may be the same and follows what came before it, Catwoman has become something different that hopefully will last. Another positive with this issue is the weight of it. Just by the feel of this book there is a weight to it. Though this story follows Eiko's journey and who she is there is a lot of content for somebody that is just being introduced. Eiko is a character that will hopefully be a part of the book for a long time and it will be great to not only see her evolve, but to also see her answer figure out what the suit truly means to her.

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Constantine (2013) #17

Aug 14, 2014

Overall, Constantine #17 is a very good issue, but not quite great. The issue brings into focus some confusing parts from previous ones and moves the story forward. That said, it is a bridge issue. The issue reaffirms the fight between John Constantine and the Cult of the Cold Flame and sets up a new threat as with the ones that already exist. Constantine needs a big moment as it feels like it has been treading water but this issue sets things up that that moments may happen soon.

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Convergence: Batgirl #1

Apr 11, 2015

In conclusion, this is a pretty solid book. The writing is strong and really brings these characters back from now dead DC history. Yet, the hardest part to swallow is the art and while it hurts the book, it doesn't ruin it and Convergence: Batgirl #1 can still be enjoyed. This book is a must read for fans of these characters and it is promising to imagine what comes next.

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Convergence: Batgirl #2

May 10, 2015

In conclusion, Convergence Batgirl #2 is a satisfactory issue. The past and present aspects of the story are done well and the artwork is a definite improvement over the previous one. All in all, Convergence Batgirl was a fun jaunt through this particular moment in the DC Universe and it was nice to see it again.

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Convergence: Catwoman #1

Apr 18, 2015

In conclusion, while this is an ok issue there are a bunch of problems with it. The tell, not show methodology in Convergence: Catwoman #1 really hurts the story and what drives the characters. Bruno Mannheim's motivation is told in a couple of lines and while he has one badass moment, he is only in the issue for a few sequences and its hard to even remember who he is. Convergence: Catwoman #1 can be summed up as a massive set up issue and its something that is unfortunate in this instance.

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Convergence: Catwoman #2

May 15, 2015

Overall, this is a fun issue with a sad emotional twist at the end. This emotional end, however, is well deserved and it does not feel cheap in any way. It is something that frankly would be interesting to build on, and it is unfortunate that it ends with the issue. It's a good book and one of the better Convergence issues to come out.

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Death Vigil (2014) #7

Jun 5, 2015

With all of these aspects of the story tied together, Stjepan Sejic, creates an issue that is superb in many ways. The emotional impact of certain sequences, the teases, and the art in general all give a sense of grandeur that is missing in a lot of comic books. It may not be through epic battles, but by world building character development, and the sense of scale with what is about to come. This is another excellent issue of Death Vigil and is a book that deserves support.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #1

Oct 2, 2014

This book is just flat out amazing. From start to finish Gotham Academy #1 is a great and refreshing read from DC Comics' Batman line. It sets up an interesting mystery while providing a fun and light-hearted change of pace from the rest of DC's publications.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #2

Nov 6, 2014

Gotham Academy #2 at this point is the best book in at DC. The combination of the story and art brings this book to a new level. If this builds the body of the book then the characters are the soul. With characters like Olive, Pom, Heathcliff, Professor MacPherson, and especially Maps, they bring the world to life and creates a truly amazing issue.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #3

Dec 4, 2014

In conclusion, this is another strong issue of Gotham Academy. Between the characters, the world, and the mystery it feels like a place that could really exist. If there was any fault in this issue, it would be that, at times, the dialogue could have been a little smoother, but overall it is hard to notice. All in all, this is a book that everybody should be reading and one that hopefully lasts a very long time.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #4

Jan 30, 2015

Gotham Academy #4 is an issue that closes a lot of doors but opens one huge one. With a great mystery, amazing characters, and the world of Gotham opening up in new and unique ways, this book is one that everybody should be reading and one that hopefully goes on for a long time.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #6

Mar 27, 2015

In conclusion, Gotham Academy #6 is an amazing book. While the writing is on par with what has come before, at times it could have been a bit clearer. The Croc fight could have been a bigger part of the issue. These problems are minor and this is still one of the best books that DC is putting out. If Gotham Academy was an experiment by DC then this was a resounding success. With the June releases going a bit indie and more diverse, this book can be looked at as the one who started it all and has a potentially great future.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #7

Jun 12, 2015

Gotham Academy #7 might not have the most plot elements to it, but it is a fun romp through the academy. The mystery plays with aspects of Batman's past lore and gives more focus on Maps which is never a bad thing. The art is on point and in many aspects better than some of Kerschl's work. While there are some iffy parts with one of the action sequences, it is some of the best illustrations from any comic company. This is a good book and one that has a lot of heart.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #8

Jul 9, 2015

Overall, Gotham Academy #8is a solid start to the latest storyarc. While there are a lot of reveals and story development throughout,the real pull is at the end and the story that can evolve out of that. Shifting the focus to Kylebrings a unique perspective to the book, and allowing readersto get to know the character more. It will be interesting to see if he will remain a main character or will the gang of Olive, Maps, Colton, and Pomeline take the spotlight to themselves again. This is something that might not be a bad thing either as there is already an emotional connection and truest between the characters and are people that Olive will share the mystery with while keeping Kyle at arms distance still.

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Gotham Academy (2014): Endgame #1

Apr 3, 2015

This is a good issue of Gotham Academy even outside it's connection to "Endgame". Those who are reading Batman hoping for an important connection with this issue will be disappointed. Readers hoping to see a continuation of the main narrative will also be disappointed. Fortunately, neither of these reasons are what makes this issue so good, so they aren't really problems.Score: 8/10

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Gotham By Midnight #6

Jun 26, 2015

This is a strong issue of Gotham by Midnight.While the story is nothing groundbreaking it is a great place for new readers to jump on evengives hints of what is to come. The art in some ways is better than what Templesmith did. While his art was amazing, what Juan Ferrerya brings is a more detailed, gothiclook where thesupernatural looks scary and that is one of the most important thing in a book like this. Gotham by Midnight #6 is a solid read and a book that is showing a lot of promise.

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Gotham By Midnight #7

Jul 24, 2015

While this is a good issue of Gotham by Midnight, it tends to be overly mellow at times. This does hurt the story, but not so much that it remainsenjoyable. When it comes to the bigger issues at large, it does leave a bit open at the end so that things will continue to grow and hopefully open up the world more.

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Justice League Dark #38

Feb 1, 2015

Overall, this issue was pretty average. While technically everything is good the overall story is a little less than stellar and the portrayal of a lovesick Zatanna is a bit much. With all of that said, there are some good aspects within the story. The House of Mystery and the founding of The Green are both interesting plot points and the introduction of the villain was also good as well.

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Justice League Dark #40

Mar 28, 2015

Justice League Dark is a book that will be missed. Though there is a book coming in June called Dark Universe, it may not be a faithful replacement. This issue is a fitting finale. At the end, when John Constantine comes back from Earth 2 and takes control of the House it brings a finality to the whole series.Justice League Dark has been a home to the magical beings of the DCU and it is sad to see it go.

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Rachel Rising #28

Sep 25, 2014

Overall, this is a good set up issue for the mystery to come. All of the pertinent parties are introduced and the events are set in motion in an intriguing way. With a combination of good storytelling and good art Rachel Rising #28 is a good start on point for new readers and a nice set up for returning ones.

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Rachel Rising #29

Oct 31, 2014

Overall, this issue of Rachel Rising #29 is a solid installment of the book. The story is good and the art is consistent as always. With all of the good that is in the book there are some down points. Rachel's part in the story though good should have had its own issue and overall the issue reads rather quickly and feels light. This is a good issue however and though it may be light it highlights the two best characters of the book.

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Rachel Rising #30

Dec 12, 2014

In conclusion, this is an ok issue. There is nothing really wrong with this issue there just needs to be more. What we get in the issue however, is good and sets up at least one future storyline that shows promise. The character of Zoe continues to show good progress as with a lot of other characters but it is the mystery that is lacking in improvement. Hopefully, we find out what is going on soon!

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Rachel Rising #31

Feb 14, 2015

Overall, this is the shot in the arm that this series needed. While it did not have any Earth shattering revelations, it was a nice solid and intriguing issue that will hopefully start the journey to the climax of this arc. This issue was not only a good issue, but Rachel Rising is a great book that is worth the wait, so stay with it and and enjoy.

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Rachel Rising #32

Mar 14, 2015

The talk about good vs evil is the main reason that this book is interesting and does take some of the sting of just people talking around a table. However, it serves no purpose to the main storyline and does not move it forward which has been a main complaint with the book. The end of Rachel Rising #32, however does give hope that more is still to come.

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Red Lanterns #30

Apr 24, 2014

Red Lanterns #30 is another great issue, and with the start of "Judgment Day" sets up some exciting prospects. The story introduces Sheko, a character that is all about justice, but becomes filled with rage and agony. It also gives a deeper look into what Bleeze thinks of both the red ring and the rage that comes with it. Red Lanterns #30 also sets up the upcoming battle between Guy and Atrocitus and how the lines are being drawn.

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Red Lanterns #33

Jul 24, 2014

Overall, Red Lanterns #33 is a very good issue. The story is great and the dialogue is the best it has been in a while. The issue also effectively sets up the upcoming conflict between Guy Gardner and Atrocitus. This is a must read and a great way to start the war between the two factions of the Red Lantern Corps.

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Red Lanterns #34

Aug 29, 2014

Overall, this issue is a bit anticlimactic. Being the final issue in an otherwise great arc it feels that there are a lot of aspects that seem to be missing. This especially comes through with the character interactions that have been great during Charles Soule's run. However, this issue is no means bad and does lead to some interesting things. This arc has been one of the best in this title and cements its place as one of the best Lantern books being published.

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Red Lanterns #35

Oct 24, 2014

Overall, Red Lanterns #35 is a pretty decent issue though the connection to the Godhead storyline is a bit lacking. The New Gods only show up for a few pages and though they fight with Guy Gardner they don't really accomplish anything. What this issue really turns out to be is a Guy Gardner solo issue in which Guy is coping with not only lose of his friends but he is also trying to fulfill his death wish as well. As a "Godhead" issue it is okay but as a character issue it is worth a read.

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Red Lanterns #36

Nov 30, 2014

In the grand scheme of "Godhead", this issue only furthers the plot a little. Yet, when it comes to character development, this issue shines. Guy Gardner is pissed off, out for revenge and the New Gods are the closest target. This makes for an interesting issue and one that allows a closer relationship with the characters.

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Red Lanterns Annual #1

Jul 31, 2014

This is the best issue of Charles Soule's run so far. The art is amazing in this issue and bodes well with how great the story is. The conflict is not yet over as the final battle has yet to commence, providing some worthwhile suspense. This issue not only shows how good this title can be, but also how the Reds are the best lanterns in the universe.

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Red Lanterns: Futures End #1

Sep 25, 2014

Overall, Red Lanterns #1 Futures End is a very good issue. Charles Soule brings a complex story that really resonates and brings a whole new sense of history for not only the Red Lantern Corps but for the universe as well. The colors are vibrant and the characters look amazing as Jim Calafiore and Gabe Elraeb bring some of their best work to the book. Putting this all together makes Red Lanterns #1 Futures End one of the best books for not only the series but for Futures End month as well.

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Storm #1

Aug 29, 2014

Overall, this issue is a bit anticlimactic. Being the final issue in an otherwise great arc it feels that there are a lot of aspects that seem to be missing. This especially comes through with the character interactions that have been great during Charles Soule's run. However, this issue is no means bad and does lead to some interesting things. This arc has been one of the best in this title and cements its place as one of the best Lantern books being published.Score: 7/10

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Supergirl (2011) #31

May 22, 2014

Supergirl #31 is an issue that builds up the suspense for what is to come and also adds intrigue to those elements that are not part of the main story. However, the issue ends in a way that helps bring the suspense forward and this may lead to feelings of an incomplete story. This is a great issue and really brings out the humanity of the members of the Red Lantern Corps, including Kara.

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Supergirl (2011) #32

Jun 19, 2014

Supergirl #32 is another strong issue, and even hints of events to come. The art continues to be great and augments an already strong script. Despite this, reader may want to wait until Red Lantern Corps #32 is released before picking up this issue.

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Supergirl (2011) #33

Jul 17, 2014

Despite the flawed narrative, which includes both jumps in logic and a deus ex machina, Supergirl #33 is a good issue. Bedard's script wraps everything up in a satisfying manner and the art again is a strong focal point. Kara's dealings with the Red Lantern Corps it could have used a few more issues. The only part that feels out of place in the introduction of Gen 13, but it is only an epilogue and does not take away from the main story. Overall, it is an entertaining read and an interesting addition to Supergirl's history.

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