Larry King's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Major Spoilers Reviews: 29
7.2Avg. Review Rating

Annihilators #2

Apr 10, 2011

Annihilators #2 receives and astronomical 5 Stars, out of 5.

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Annihilators #3

May 12, 2011

This comic book is a rarity, it balances detailed art, cost, and page count, while still being able to fully deliver the promise of a entertaining comic book. For those who like tales of cosmic chaos that you don't have to read twenty tie-ins to understand this comic may be for you. I for one will be with it until the end, which from all the accounts I can find, looks like it will be coming to a close in the fourth issue.In closing, Annihilators #3 receives 4.5 Stars, out of 5.

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Annihilators #4

Jun 9, 2011

For those that like the good ol' fighty-fighty, this is for you. For those that like to see new life, respectfully, breathed into old comics, this is for you. For those who want to see what abundant emotion and life, within a comic, this is for you. In closing, Annihilators #4 receives 4 Stars, out of 5.

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Batman, Inc. #3

Mar 14, 2011

With the writing and art being good, and the highlight of the issue being the relationship between Bruce, and Don Santiago, hopefully the newest B.F.F.'s on the block! The issue is well worth a pick up, if simply for the way Don Santiago rages out at the sight of Bruce's arrogance.Final Verdict, Batman Incorporated #3 receives 4 Stars, out of 5.

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Charmed #9

May 19, 2011

If you loved Charmed, and wanted to see new stories, then I say check this series out from Zenescope. If you wanted to blindly try a new comic book, then I don't really think this is the right comic to take for a test drive. In closing, Charmed #9, receives 2.5 Stars, out of 5.

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Dark Horse Presents (2011) #1

Apr 26, 2011

In closing, Dark Horse Presents #1 receives 4.5 Stars, out of 5.

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FF #1

Mar 25, 2011

Final Verdict, FF #1 receives a astounding 5 Stars, out of 5.

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Flashpoint #3

Jul 7, 2011

Overall, issue three was middle of the road, barely, and as whole, the story has gone down hill since issue one.

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Flashpoint: The Outsider #1

Jun 25, 2011

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Green Hornet: Year One #9

Mar 31, 2011

If you are looking for a comic that on a regular basis is able to deliver interesting, and gorgeous characters, as well as almost magical backgrounds, than look no further than the continuing adventures of the Green Hornet and Kato in their Year One epic. Bottom line, Green Hornet: Year One #9, receives 4 Stars, out of 5.

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Grimm Fairy Tales #59

May 20, 2011

If you are into scenes that involve somewhat pretty girls becoming pregnant instantaneously, and having their clothes ripped off by goblins and placed in shackles as Tim Curry from "Legend" stands over them be my guest and pick this comic up. But if you want a more than that, then keep on walking bub. In closing, Grimm Fairy Tales #59 receives 2 Stars, out of 5.

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Grimm Fairy Tales: Myths and Legends #4

May 20, 2011

In closing, Grimm Fairy Tales: Myths & Legends #4 receives 1.5 Stars, out of 5.

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Hellboy: Being Human #1

May 16, 2011

In closing, Hellboy: Being Human(One-Shot) receives 4.5 Stars, out of 5.

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Herc #1

Apr 10, 2011

In closing, Herc #1 receives 4 Stars, out of 5.

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Incorruptible #16

Mar 29, 2011

Overall this comic is worth a pick up, and the way it ends is very intriguing. No spoilers though, you will have to check it out on your own, but it promises to lead to someplace possibly very fascinating. Incorruptible #16 gets 3.5 Stars, out of 5.

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Mystery Men #1

Jun 11, 2011

If you liked DC Comic's "First Wave" line of books, "The Marvels Project",or Pulp/Noir storytelling, you will probably like this comic. In closing, Mystery Men #1 (of 5) receives 3.5 Stars, out of 5.

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Mystery Men #2

Jun 24, 2011

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Nonplayer #1

Mar 31, 2011

I am not exaggerating when it comes to the detail in this comic, it is clearly in the European comics style, where the everything is so lavish, and looks like it took many months to complete this issue, and for all I know, it probably did.

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Planet of the Apes #2

May 30, 2011

If you didn't care for the movies, never saw one, or God forbid, judge Planet of the Apes solely on the merits of Tim Burton's vision of it, you might not care to read this continuing tale. But for those who liked the first five movies, like apes, and yes there are people out there who claim to like apes holding guns, then this comic should be for you. In closing, Planet of the Apes #2 receives 4.5 Stars, out of 5.

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Planet of the Apes (2011) #1

Apr 25, 2011

In closing, Planet of the Apes #1 receives 5 Stars, out of 5.

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PunisherMax (2009) #11

Mar 14, 2011

This is the best $3.99 I have spent in a long time, it is pure fun, and I feel so guilty that I didn't give Jason Aaron the time to prove that he could take up the Punisher reins. The package as a whole is a bundle of entertainment, and I will be adding Punisher MAX to my pull list once I get up with my comic book guy, who is responsible for putting this in my hands. If you want a bloody entertaining comic, in ever sense of the word, check this out.Final Verdict, Punisher MAX #11 receives 4.5 Stars, out of 5.

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R.E.B.E.L.S. #28

May 16, 2011

I don't just blame DC editorial, I blame the comic book fan-base as well, for not giving this series a chance, and or waiting for the trade. For such a fun, and entertaining read this series has been, the final issue just leaves a bitter taste. But cancellation will do that to you. I hope all creators involved are seen on other projects soon, and hopefully they will have a much more supportive fan-base on those projects.In closing, R.E.B.E.L.S. #28 receives 3 Stars, out of 5.

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Red Sonja: Revenge of the Gods #1

Mar 6, 2011

For being a the first issue of the five issue mini-series, I would have to say it's off to a good start. I didn't feel that I missed the boat when it came to the plot, though I should have been at a some sort of disadvantage for not reading the previous mini-series. The issue sets up the characters, the situations, and the environment better than a lot of first issues I have read in the past couple years. The artwork holds it's own, and compliments the story more than adequately. It's worth checking out, if it sounds to be up your alley. This issue earns 3 out of 5 Stars.

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Starborn #4

Mar 10, 2011

Reading all four issues back to back in one sitting, I will say that this issue is a great capstone to the first arc, and fully paid off in the end. The writing is solid, the concept is quite different, without being wholly unrelatable, the artwork not only holds it's own, it flourishes within this concept.Overall the whole Starborn Universe is a massive undertaking, but it's not head scratchingly frustrating, and a Universe I can't wait to see where it takes me next.Final Verdict, Starborn #4 receives 3.5 Stars, out of 5.

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Super Dinosaur (2011) #1

Apr 22, 2011

While this comic is a boon for parents that want to read a comic, and be able for their kids to enjoy it as well, I am still torn on this comic. So me and my inner child have come to a consensus. In closing Super Dinosaur receives 3.5 Stars, out of 5.

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Superman (2006) #712

Jun 23, 2011

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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #534.1

Apr 10, 2011

This issue was okay, but not a stunner. If you are a fan of Pacheco you may like it, but it's not his best art. The story isn't something that you will be fawning over either. I view this issue as running the water and sticking you hand in to see if it's just right, and it just doesn't really work for me. With all that has gone on leading up to this issue, I don't have the time or the money to go back and read what has come before. On it's own merits this issue is a little above middle of the road.

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Vampirella and the Scarlet Legion #1

May 16, 2011

Maybe this comic wasn't meant for me, and rather a diehard Vampirella fan. But I'd like to think that every comic is someone's first, and that should be doubly true if it's issue one. But, that is not this case for Vampirella and the Scarlet Legion #1, which receives 2.5 Stars, out of 5.

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Witchblade (1995) #143

Mar 18, 2011

Overall, this is a pretty good comic, and much better read with issue #142, since starting at the end isn't really the most recommended place to begin.Final Verdict, Witchblade #143 receives 4 Stars, out of 5.

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