Michael Bordo's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: DC Comics News Reviews: 3
7.3Avg. Review Rating

Batman and Robin (2011) #31

May 23, 2014

I enjoyed this issue, I like how the writers set up the next issue and that's the issue where we can expect the story to culminate. The other cool part is having Frankenstein being there with Batman while he goes throughwhat could be the final leg of his journey to get Damian back, becauseFrankenstein was the one Batman tried to get the secret of bringing the dead to life from. So it'll be very interesting to see where we go fromthis point to the point of Omega.

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Batwing #31

May 10, 2014

It really pains me to say this but skip this issue, unless your like me who is already involved in this story arch just skip it. But I do want to stress that I like this series a lot and will continue to buy and read it, because I have faith that Justin Gary will put Batwing where he belongs and that's fighting B maybe even A class villains he did hold his own against Lady Shiva. Somy verdict is to don't buy this issue maybe read it at the comic store and hopefully my next review of Batwing won't be so harsh.Rating

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #31

May 23, 2014

This was a great issue to conclude the story arch. I'm still waiting for the Lobo vs Lobo but that's for another day. I'm hopeful that this series will stay on its mark and keep up for as long as possible because I'm not ready to let go of these characters and I think there are plenty of readers who would agree with me.

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