OOSteven's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Geeked Out Nation Reviews: 15
9.1Avg. Review Rating

I've been enjoying the revival of He-Man and have faith that Dan's going to be able to tell one heck of an epic tale but the start is rocky to say the least and this isn't new reader friendly in my opinion. I'll say it again the artwork is horrendous. So here's hoping I'll be able to make better sense of things an issue or two down the road so until then.

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It's a decent start nothing over the top nothing spectacular though there is some wonderful characterization and some interesting plot developments but it was also something of a let down. Middle of the road at best and that with these creators isn't an auspicious start.

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The creativity behind the story, the talent in bringing it to life and visuals that enhance the story all combine to create this wonderfully bright and terrifying world where the line is blurred and heroes are wimps and the vigilantes stand for the people make this a standout book which really should be on everyones must read list.

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Sometimes I sit back and wonder what it is about Hickman's writing that is just so damn mesmerizing and captivating. I mean he takes a provocative title such as God is Dead for the name of his series and then inside proceeds to bring back pantheon's that haven't been widely worshiped in millenia, okay that may be stretching it but you get the point. Creating a new world dynamic that is just incredibly awesome, some believe some don't others have military might behind them it's just a plethora of new and old ideas clashing in the most unexpected yet brilliant of ways.

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With the addition of the Mighty Avengers to the line of Avengers titles it may seem like overkill but in all honesty this is a welcome addition and the cast is much better than the flagship title's making this a clear second to Uncanny Avengers in my list of Avengers titles.

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After this is all said and done I sincerely hope David finds another chapter in the Living Dead world to explore and bring to us. He really is one hell of a talented writer and I look forward to his next project.

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I'm seriously thinking this is the best Valiant has to offer.

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As far as alternate history stories go this has to be among my absolute favorites. I know Kieron has gone to great lengths to really flesh this world out and make it uniquely his and it's worked far beyond my wildest dreams, possibly his as well you never know. Who would have thought one of the BEST new series of the year would A. come from Avatar Press B. deal with Nazi's creating supermen and C. introduce the world to an incredibly talented new artist? But all that and more has happened within these pages.

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The end of the book also demonstrates that containment is futile in more ways than one and that his journey to find the actor who was a child in the movie, now all grown up, living outside of Pittsburgh is really not a terribly good idea and the woman who accompanies him well she's in a world of trouble nowadays. I dunno the characterization here is perfectly spot on, even the minor characters, and we get a damn good look at the people in charge and working hard to keep this from becoming a bad horror movie. It's highly entertaining well thought out and just a new look at an old story.

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Including the interior artwork which is phenomenal! In its portrayal, design, layout and all around interpretation of David's words. I think Worley has outdone himself this time around and has set himself a new bar to live up to in terms of quality and excellence.

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I'm of two minds with this issue. It could easily have been the intro to a story arc in the regular monthly title as we've seen those loyal to him plotting his escape already. Plus it wasn't really a tie-in to the whole villains secret society thing in my eyes. However that being said this really was a pretty good story which gave us some characterization about Ocean Master and about the man he is and could be. I just wish this was a Secret Society tie-in because this just felt like a normal issue of the regular book and doesn't necessarily stand out.

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We have been introduced to all the characters on the playing field, well not all but for now most of them, the premise of their animosity has been determined and some wonderfully diverse and interesting characterization is going on. Joshua continues to show us his skills as a writer and story teller here are really among the top in the industry. Along with Dagnino's magnificent interiors we've got a really good start for Dark Horse's Super Hero line of books to take hold make the other stand up and take notice.

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I think this is probably the most meaningful story Raven's written given what he's been through and it translates incredibly well here. It also is the story he's going to have to keep beating when he writes to maintain this level of excellence.

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Major characterization happening this issue and major plot spins, twists, turns and plenty of action and revelations to really put a reader in a comic book coma, what you've heard of food coma's before. Seriously this book is so hardcore good it takes multiple readings to grasp everything going on and that my friends is how to masterfully tell a story. Oh and let's not forget Frank is giving us some of his finest work to date trying to match the intensity of Millar's words. This book is the best of the best and best of the new period.

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While I am fast becoming a huge fan of Sean's work there are times I wish it was a tad more detailed and crisp but then they way he manages to kind of keep a blurry focus of what's happening does the job more than incredibly well.

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