Chapter 1: The Cure. A wholly original and delightfully twisted deconstruction of the superhero genre by Hollywood screenwriter/Aberrant-scribe Rylend Grant. Liard Mason, a disgraced former superhero, is diagnosed with terminal cancer, brought on by years of using his powers. Defending what he has deemed an ungrateful and ultimately unworthy city is literally killing him. With just months to live and a legacy hanging in the balance, Mason launches a violent and misguided Death Wish-like campaign to purge the city of supervillains before he dies.
BANJAX #1 not only wins as an incredibly strong first issue, it will instill that spark in comic book fans: that longing for the next issue , the excitement of getting the reader's mind racing as to its possible outcome(s), that love for comic books as a medium for gifted storytelling and breathtaking artwork. Read Full Review
Another modern deconstruction of the idea and ideal of what a superhero is but this one doesn't add the humor of Kick Ass or the Machiavellian complexity of Watchmen but instead focuses on keep things completely down and dirty and grounded in reality as much as possible. Well worth a look. Read Full Review
Rylend Grant and the creative team have quite the exciting book on their hands. Given Banjaxs terminal diagnosis, however, it remains to be seen just how far they can stretch this book out, although a limited run may not be the wrong move if the creative team can stay as sharp as they were in this first issue. Dont miss out on this bloody good time and add this to your pull list today! Read Full Review
Banjax hits incredibly hard as it subverts the modern-day superhero tales that we all know and love, providing readers with an experience that is intense, thought-provoking, and incredibly entertaining. Read Full Review
It's a strong and surprising start for a series that promises an unpredictable path! Read Full Review
It's a comic that's worth reading if you're interested in a unique take on a hero's end of days. Read Full Review
Some more character-focused beats of the book get rushed through so Grant can fit everything in, but as mentioned, it's a first issue, there's presumably time to flesh these out in a later one. Read Full Review