In the year 2056, robots have replaced human beings in the workforce. An uneasy co-existence develops between the newly intelligent robots and the ten billion humans living on Earth. Every human family is assigned a robot upon whom they are completely reliant. What could possibly go wrong? Meet the Walters, a human family whose robot, Razorball,
ominously spends his free time in the garage working on machines which they're pretty sure are designed to kill them in this sci-fi satire from Mark Russell (The Flintstones, Second Coming) and Mike Deodato Jr. (The Amazing Spider-Man, The Resistance).
Mark Russell and Mike Deodato Jr. continue to deliver a well observed satire targeting our growing reliance of technology in all corners of our lives. But now, with this penultimate issue, there is a creeping horror and darker tone emerging in this series. Read Full Review
This series is a painful read as we each see parts of our life or personality reflected in the humans and robots, but we never take the time to try to fix the underlying problems with an elite 1% of society. By using the comics medium though perhaps (hopefully) we'll each take some time to stop blaming and work together for a better society? Read Full Review
And even though it feels like this series will be extended, rather than end with the next issue, Not All Robots has regained some momentum. Read Full Review
Not All Robots loses the metaphor a bit in issue #4, but it still manages to deliver a poignant message. Read Full Review
Great penultimate issue
Engage Robo-Charlottesville. Satire protocol fully functional.
Thought provoking and wonderfully written, as always.