After the shocking conclusion of the last issue, the remaining members of Chimera regroup, sullen. After a prophetic confession from Vanessa, she says they have a destiny to fulfill... a sacrifice. Meanwhile, Regan is hesitant to tell Hannah about the prophecy, but before she can, she's overwhelmed by auditory pain, and Hannah hears a hauntingly familiar voice as she tries to help Regan...
This comic has the right amount of horror, dread and Tarantino-type story telling (that's a compliment) that can easily be translated to the big screen as a movie. These kindred of the senses are scary. I am not sure how this vengeance tale is going to play out, but it definitely makes me more appreciative of all my senses. This all out war in this issue had some casualties. Read Full Review
Scharf delivers some fantastic art throughout this issue. The character focus of the story allowed for some great details with character emotions. Read Full Review
This is a much slower burn than previous issues, allowing the teams to regroup after the battle in the last issue. Regan is still holding back the prophecy from Hannah and this will form the tension needed in this reluctant friendship to drive the story over the next few issues. Read Full Review
Despite its slow reveal of information, Basilisk never feels anything but jam-packed and full of momentum. Read Full Review
Ultimately however, the series still needs a better hook to wrap readers in the tale from Boom and while its appreciated that our star is given more backstory here, it feels like something is missing overall. Read Full Review
There is a very interesting development in this issue, one that sets a new status quo.
Did the head disciple guy need to kill that other guy? That seemed uncalled for, lol.