BOOM! Studios, along with visionary writer and director Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Avengers), presents an all-new era of the pop culture phenomenon Firefly , as one of the most demanded stories in the franchise's history is revealed for the first time! Captain Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds, a defeated soldier who opposed the unification of the planets by the totalitarian governed Alliance, will undertake any job-legal or not-to stay afloat and keep his crew fed. Find out now how his story began as BOOM! Studios delves into Malfs past, how he met his first mate Zoe and the real truth about the War of Unification.the intergalactimore
I wasn't expecting to enjoy this issue as much as I did, but it's like reading an unaired episode. Firefly is in great hands with Greg Pak. Read Full Review
Pak plants the seeds for a story that is both personal and more broadly dangerous for everyone following Mal. Read Full Review
I normally dont enjoy comic books based on TV shows or movies. Typically they lack the feel of the source material, lack the magic. But Greg Pak on Firefly has definitely changed my mind! It feels like the show in all the ways that matter and he has done Joss Whedon proud. Read Full Review
Firefly #1 gave me high hopes for what BOOM! Studios can offer with their shot at exploring this verse. These characters are given a voice that you resonate with, and its all the same fun shenanigans that only they can get themselves into trying to simply survive. Read Full Review
Firefly lives on! Get this first issue now! Read Full Review
Excellent craft and a compelling story come together to create a comic book that Browncoats are likely to be very, very pleased with. Read Full Review
A solid start to what could be a wonderful continuation of the Firefly franchise. Read Full Review
Firefly #1 is a damn fine opening chapter, and a welcome return to a beloved property. There is plenty of action and Whedon-esque dialogue to satisfy a broad spectrum of readers. With a more-than-capable creative team and a solid foundation to build upon, the future looks bright for the Captain Mal and his crew. Read Full Review
Firefly #1 reads like a lost episode of the beloved show. It feels great to be back aboard with these characters and they’re just how you remember them. The comic captures that mixed-western motif and the muddy blend of futuristic tech with dust and grit inside its workings. Comfortable to spend most of its pages reintroducing rather than reinventing, there’s a hint of turbulence as Serenity takes to the sky, but she’s still flying - and flying smoothly - after the first few pages. It’s good to be back in the ‘Verse. Read Full Review
Firefly #1 is familiar but comforting. In many ways, it feels like a script from the original series. While Pak gets bogged down by a few wordy panels, this issue has everything that we love about Firefly. Read Full Review
Firefly #1 kicks off the new series on familiar but enjoyable ground. Read Full Review
It's a start, one that's able to get by on having the gang back together. Read Full Review
Reintroduces the entire cast, the premise and the world of Firefly with a bang, setting up an interesting plot for this new arc. Read Full Review
Overall Firefly #1 offers a solid first issue that is smart by shaking things up and having Mal and Zoe be the targets of a manhunt rather than River. I'll be curious to see where things go from here and what other stories we might see. Worth a look. Read Full Review
Thanks to a solid script and good artwork, "Firefly" #1 is a solid return to comics for the beloved television series. Read Full Review
This is a pretty good issue. It's fun and witty. Definitely keeping true to the source material. I think fans of the Firefly show will enjoy this. The art is pretty good as well. Good job.