In the aftermath of the battle, the ideologies of Lord Zedd and Zordon clash, despite a moment of mercy. As the Eltarian War approaches its end, long-awaited emotional resolutions will launch both Mighty Morphin and Power Rangers into the future, but the relationship between two Rangers takes a turn that neither may recover from.
There could be no doubt that this is going to get a 5 rating. Mighty Morphin is, by far, the best series on the market right now. Every month the series keeps me coming back with jaw-dropping bombshells and masterpiece cliffhangers. Read Full Review
Zordon fans unite! This crossover has been the perfect opportunity to get to know Zordon's past, with key figures like Zartus and Zophram having huge impacts on his existence. Zordon even gets a body and gets to kick major butt.The Eltarian War is a true love letter to the Power Ranger's mentor, breathing new life into our favorite giant floating head. Read Full Review
As for the art, Marco Renna has had to do a lot with each issue of this event. He is yet to disappoint on this title, never mind the Eltarian War. Unfortunately, it looks like someone else will take over for Renna after Mighty Morphin #16. The pairing of Parrott and Renna has provided a well-paced book with meaningful developments in this universe, along with fun stories. This event will be the calling card of their run, but they were excelling with this title well before the Eltarian War. Read Full Review
"The Eltarian War" has been one of my favorite Power Rangers events to date, and it more than stuck the landing. Read Full Review
A satisfying and quite epic climax to this major, awesome storyline. Lots of moments to shine, lots of moving parts, and lots of great payoff. Read Full Review
THis was bad-ass !!
Great showdown. The action was intense. It's stories like the Eltarian War that show why the Power Ranger books are some of the best comics on the market today.