Aquaman And The Others #4

Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Allen Martinez, Lan Medina Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 2, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
5.8Critic Rating
6.2User Rating

Who is the mysterious armored figure that wants Aquamans trident and the Others Atlantean relics? And more important, why?

  • 8.4
    We The Nerdy - Adrienne Crean Jul 7, 2014

    Jurgens and Medina do a great job when the action sequences begin, however, I was beginning to think that there wouldn't be any vivacity to look forward to. Although the beginning few pages had plot line importance, I did find myself a little bored with where things were going. Once some POW's and HI-YA's kicked in, the pages turned easily, and I found myself completely intrigued by the story development. The cover to Aquaman and the Other's issue four has everything to do with it's ending. Jurgens plainly states that “They don't know it yet…but THIS is their new teammate.” So of course, that surprise is known at it's ending, but we're still left with confusion and anticipation . I say confusion with positivity, meaning, yes, we are told who their new teammate will be. But WHY? and HOW? are the questions you'll be asking yourself. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Max Eber Jul 4, 2014

    I like this a lot! Magic! Snark! Not too much endless violence! The ending twist is very interesting; I really want to know how that happened! I'd heartily reccomend this; it's got a touch of the scientific, a lotta bit of occult and magic. I feel this is just overall a pretty solid book. DC is really doing a good job in revitilizing Aquaman as a character and I feel this not only is great stuff, but a great way to carry the character as well! Nearly perfect really. For me slightly more stylized art would really send it further to even higher level of greatness; but by all means this is top notch stuff! Don't miss it! Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jul 7, 2014

    "Aquaman and the Others" #4 is a great example of a middle-of-the-road comic. It's not bad, but there's nothing that makes you think, "I must find out what happens next," either. I'm not convinced that the idea of having a book starring these characters is a bad idea -- Ostrander's stop-overs with them were a little stronger -- but the execution of this one lacks any strong reason to care, unfortunately. If things don't pick up quickly, the comic with the awkward title will probably be just a distant memory by this time next year. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Infinite Comix - Joey Ulfsrud Jul 8, 2014

    A good team dynamic is a lot. In long running comics with established histories, some great team chemistry can keep an ailing run alive. Aquaman and the Others is not yet a long running comic, and it needs more than just some chemistry to prove to the comic community that it deserves a purchase. Hopefully, Jurgens and Medina can bring up the quality when it comes to compelling villains and beautiful artwork going forward, because this isn't going to cut it. Read Full Review

  • 2.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Jul 5, 2014

    It's four issues in and I don't like this book.  I barely can remember the team and don't care what "adventures" they get in.  The book seems to take place somewhere outside the New 52 by itself and if we're lucky, it'll just walk away without looking back.  Aquaman and even the Others deserve better than this. Read Full Review

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