While Batman battles the spawn of an enemy long gone, Harley Quinn and the Penguin orchestrate another surprise for Bruce Wayne!
Batman: Arkham Knight #11 is a quick return to form. The story is full of action, laughs and great characters. Viktor Bogdanovic's art is stellar and it's glad to see him return. Overall, this is a really good issue that reminded me of why I loved this comic in the first place. Read Full Review
Dialogue-heavy and lacking in action, but that's ok; when the dialogue is as good as it is here, that's more than forgivable. Hopefully the final chapter of this book andGenesiswill provide all the answers that we want and make the plot make sense, but it's impossible to tell if that will happen just yet. What we have this month, in this issue, is a true conclusion to a lackluster earlier arc, big ideas about the future of Batman in this universe, and great lines from beloved members of the Batfamily. Read Full Review
Pete Tomasi has found the greatest storytelling success in exploring how Bruce is confronting his own mortality and worrying about the legacy he'll leave Gotham. That's a far more interesting tale than learning exactly how Scarecrow and the Arkham Knight hooked up. Luckily, this issue focuses more on the good stuff than some recent chapters. Read Full Review
All in all this was a pretty decent issue that sees the events of the game slowly creeping into the events of the comic. We have once more issue remaining and Im looking forward to see what happens between Bane and the Batman…cant be good if Bane is strung out on Scarecrows fear toxin. Read Full Review