Batman #679

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Tony Daniel Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 13, 2008 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 17
7.5Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

"Batman R.I.P." part 4! Robin searches for Batman and calls in backup! Meanwhile, the Club of Villains--The Hunchback, Pierrot Lunaire, King Kraken, Charlie Caligula, Scorpiana and El Sombrero--descend on Arkham! And Batman pulls together a version of himself you have to see to believe!

  • 9.3
    IGN - Dan Phillips Aug 13, 2008

    The reveal of the Black Glove's true identity is sure to send the Internet buzzing, and while I won't get into spoilers, I will say this: as it stands now, we still have no clear understanding of the Black Glove's motivations for destroying Batman. With just two issues left, Morrison has his work cut out for him convincing us that this character would act in such an extreme way. Because so much of this tale has clearly been planned and blueprinted since the beginning of Morrison's run, I have faith in his ability to do so. Still, Morrison has bit off quite a hunk of meat with this direction, and we'll find out if he can really chew it all with RIP's final two issues. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Aug 15, 2008

    I completely enjoyed Batman #679. The Byzantine and intricate story arc that Morrison is weaving has completely captured my attention. I am having fun sifting through the various layers of this story and trying to piece together the puzzle that Morrison presents to the reader. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Joey Davidson Aug 17, 2008

    All that aside, issue #679 is the moment when I have become excited about Batman. I'm excited for next month, and I'm really excited for what happens next. I will say, in addition, that the recent Robin tie-ins have done a lot to expand the story and assist them. So if you want more from the storyline, look into Robin. Otherwise, it's a great book for now, and I hope it stays this way. Morrison has a lot to keep in check with this crazy storyline. Let's hope he gets it done. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Benjamin Birdie Aug 15, 2008

    It's certainly exciting to see all the seemingly bizarre pieces fall into place, as the final showdown is prepared. Old friends both high profile and delightfully B-List are all waiting in the wings for what will, no matter who lives or who dies, certainly be worth reading. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Aug 17, 2008

    This is perhaps the most straightforward issue yet of "Batman R.I.P.", but it's no less enjoyable for that. There's a real sense that this book is gearing up for a climactic finale, not only to "Batman R.I.P." but to Morrison's entire run thus far, and I can't wait to read the concluding issues. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Aug 14, 2008

    After posting my review for last issue, I had one reader ask how I could give Grant Morrison a pass for this “incomprehensible nonsense”. I agree that this arc has been more of fragments and pieces rather than a story. Most of RIP requires digging into Batman lore, which I honestly don't have the time to do, but I have read some of the annotations out there and found them to be quite telling. Based on the story's merits alone, it's a mess riddled with too many nods to Batman's past. And I can't think of too many readers who've been reading Batman since the Silver Age. Yet on the same token, what's being told here is completely different and unique from any other Batman story I've read and because of that, I think it requires a closer examination. It may not be comprehensible at times, but it cannot be denied that there's something intriguing going on with this story that keeps me coming back month after month. Bring on The Joker and Black Glove! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Aug 17, 2008

    Daniel's better with more straightforward Gotham crime, but this story veered off the straight path long ago. Of course where there's madness, there's Arkham, where the Joker awaits, but that'll be next issue. I'm sure it'll be okay. After all, Bruce still has his Bat-Radia. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy Aug 17, 2008

    I can't wait. Bat-Mite is really the only thing about Morrison's entire run on Batman that has grabbed my imagination and sparked my interest. I hope it pays off in the end. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Aug 13, 2008

    I'm wary to give it a Must Read since the first couple of issues were nearly unreadable and I'm unsure if this will continue to improve or if this will take another trip down the rabbit hole next issue. For now, this was good, but tread lightly in fear of future issues. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Thom Young Aug 17, 2008

    Plus, it forces me to eat my words that "Morrison isn't going to slow down the story to have a character explain things through some awkward exposition that serves no purpose other than to make sure the readers are following along." Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - E.H. Jones Sep 12, 2008

    Definitely not an issue to pull in new readers. If youre a Morrison fan, youll probably enjoy this well enough. But if youre just reading this to find out what Batmans alleged new status quo will be at the end, just wait until its finished and ask someone. Read Full Review

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