Brightest Day #15

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Patrick Gleason Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 1, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 6
5.7Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

The hottest series in comics blazes on as the legacy of the new Aqualad is forged and the extent of his powers is revealed! Plus, Aquagirl joins the battle, and Firestorm seeks out the Justice League's help!

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Koppy McFad Dec 11, 2010

    Those who are following this miniseries for the other characters (Firestorm, Aquaman, etc.) or the main plotline with the White Lantern may be disappointed that this issue did not even touch on them. But the whole Mars subplot has been dragging a little too long with too many gory scenes included and it is good to see it is finally amounting to something. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    cxPulp - Blake Petit Dec 4, 2010

    The artwork here is very good some of Gleasons best in this series, in fact. I really like his design for the Green Lantern Jonn, and while his geriatric Flash looks sort of odd, he makes up for it with a pretty gruesome double-page spread that works in the context of Jonns hallucination. I do wish, though, that there was more communication between the interiors and cover artists of this series. I know that the covers are usually finished long before the rest of the book, but it bothers me a little that David Finch depicted Batman and Wonder Woman in costumes that dont appear in this issue at all, and that his design for the Green Lantern Jonn isnt even close to what we get inside. Am I nit-picking? Probably, but it just kinda bugs me. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Dec 2, 2010

    Another benefit to this issue is that all but two pages are attractively pencilled by Patrick Gleason, with the remainder being handled by Scott Clark as the series prepares for a Firestorm-heavy installment. Granted, Gleason's art is inked by seven different collaborators, but the visuals are surprisingly cohesive despite that. In general, this shift of focus to more character-specific issues is for the benefit of the series. Hopefully issue #16 makes better use of that approach with Firestorm. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Dec 2, 2010

    I appreciate that "Brightest Day" isn't afraid to give almost all of an issue as a spotlight to a single character; it keeps the book from feeling scattershot like those first few issues, and it's found a storytelling rhythm of its own. I just wish that the Martian Manhunter story had moved a bit more quickly and given us some more progression now that we're finally back to the character. Still, the book is maintaining a solid, middle-of-the-pack approach, and there's enough here to sustain interest for another issue. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - DS ArsenaultShare this:FacebookStumbleUponDigg Dec 1, 2010

    The last 2 pages don't advance the story in any way either. If you want more spoilers, Starman and Congorilla play chess and get a warning from Firestorm that he's about to destroy the universe. Again, nothing new. Actually, to be honest, I didn't know that Congorilla liked chess so much, but is that the core reveal of this issue?You'd think that the editors and writers of Brightest Day, after getting their balls busted by fans for not making this story move forward quick enough, would use every single panel to hype up the tension and keep the action moving. I'm not trying to be an armchair quarterback or anything, but c'mon people! Brightest Day, as a member of my pull list, has now been given another warning card. One more like this and I'm gonna give up on Brightest Day. Read Full Review

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