Brightest Day #2

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Ivan Reis Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 19, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 6
5.8Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

BRIGHTEST DAY continues, but in ways you can't possibly expect! What does BRIGHTEST DAY mean to the DC Universe? Is everything from here on out going to be bright and shiny? No, BRIGHTEST DAY means something else entirely, something we can't tell you...yet. But we can tell you our heroes will need to rise up more than ever to combat the forces of evil, and a select few will uncover a secret that binds them ALL.

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis May 25, 2010

    While many artists work on the series, they work on sections involving specific characters, so everything meshes properly. Its amazing that multiple artist series like this one looks so good. Often, newcomers are assigned to such series instead of solid artists. Im liking everything of course. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Dan Phillips May 19, 2010

    But just as the issue's creative energy reminded me of 52, so to did its frustrating pace. Certain threads are left completely unaddressed while others are merely nudged forward. Once again, Aquaman and Mera, two characters fans expect to see shine brightly (pun intended) in this series, are given nothing interesting to do. The issue doesn't even try to transition from one scene to the next with any fluidity or stylistic device, simply jumping forward after a scene has achieved its intended narrative goals. For that matter, as was the case with so many issues of 52, there's little uniting the different stories save for the fact that they're all collected under one cover and title. Again, none of this turned out to be much of a problem once 52 was completed and then read as whole, but they were qualities that made the weekly journey jarring and at times unsatisfying. Let's hope Brightest Day can do a better job providing a fulfilling read week in and week out. Infusing the series with t Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck May 23, 2010

    I guess I'm surprised that DC's turn to the "Brightest Day" still contains such dark and depressing imagery - but perhaps there's no getting away from it. It hasn't chased me away from the book - at least not yet - but it does give the whole thing a funny taste. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Apr 25, 2011

    I certainly don't expect every issue to be non-stop revelations and advancements, but this one leaves me feeling a little uncertain about how far it wants to go with some things. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt May 21, 2010

    I really want to like Brightest Day. It is a cool idea and it has talented creators backing it, but after three issues, I'm just bored. I'm all for the slow burn, but you have to meet me halfway with better characterization and stronger art. I considered sticking around for the fate of Firestorm, since I'm a HUGE fan of the characters (I'm probably the biggest fan of Jason as Firestorm that you'll ever find), but it's just not worth buying, especially on a biweekly schedule. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - DS Arsenault May 19, 2010

    The slow development of this mystery means that following this series so far is an act of faith that there will be a big payoff in the end. I haven't stopped reading, but this issue felt more like a puzzle piece than a story. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Mania - Chad Derdowski May 25, 2010

    It’s like there are a number of really interesting stories going on in these pages, but I either didn’t get enough to satiate me or they just didn’t play out in a captivating way. And honestly, I’m finding that for as interesting as some of these stories may be, the whole mystery-of-the-risen-heroes thing is just sorta “been there, done that… for the past 5 damn years!” Meh. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton May 19, 2010

    "Brightest Day" #2 is a mish-mash of all sorts of stories, but none of them manage to be particularly engaging. After the huge disappointment that was "Countdown to Final Crisis," I was hoping that more recent faster-than-monthly experiments like "Trinity" and "Wednesday Comics" had shown that DC had fixed the kinks in the system. "Brightest Day," for now, seems awfully dim. Everyone involved is capable of much better than this. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren May 20, 2010

    As of right now, it's three issues in and, much like Countdown and Trinity, I don't foresee this storyline going anywhere for another 20 issues and I am not willing to sit around reading two and three pages of individual stories every second week for the next year as we wait for some imagined pay off down the road. Comics should be good every issue. There shouldn't be some carrot dangled in front of the reader or creators/fans telling us to sit tight because it'll get better later on. Read Full Review

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