Detective Comics #881
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Detective Comics #881

Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Jock Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 10, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 14
9.3Critic Rating
9.4User Rating

This is it the finale so twisted, so shocking we can't even begin to give away details here! Be there for the extra-sized conclusion of the acclaimed run by Scott Snyder, Jock and Francesco Francavilla. DETECTIVE COMICS #881 is the issue everyone will be talking about. Believe it.

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Aug 8, 2011

    It's Scott Snyder's Detective Comics. I can safely say this will most likely be my pick of the week. Snyder's run has been phenomenal and this was the perfect ending. You can see everything that he's worked towards in setting up and referencing past events. I had questioned the use/return of James Jr for about five minutes and now I couldn't be happier to see the dark path he's taken. James Jr. needs to be elevated to being one of the top villains in Batman's rogues gallery. Snyder's run has been accompanied by amazing art from both Jock and Francesco Francavilla. It's fitting that both handle the art duties in this oversized issue. Normally I'm bothered when the art changes mid-action but the story and mood set up will suck you in and you won't even notice until you read the issue again...and you will want to read it more than once. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Resources - Kelly Thompson Aug 9, 2011

    This was quite simply a historic "Detective Comics" run by Snyder, Jock, and Francavilla. It makes the ending of this run and the re-launch next month all the more bittersweet, but if you're going to go out, what a way to go out. It's nice to know that the last running issue of Detective Comics prior to starting over at number one was one of the best runs the book has ever had. That can't ever be taken away. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Aug 12, 2011

    Wow. Endings are so hard to pull off. For every cool concept we see in comics, probably only about 10% end up with a really solid ending. This run by Snyder, Jock and Francavilla is a modern classic and better than any Bat story I'm familiar with in the last 20 years (inclusive of Long Halloween). If DC isn't selling hardcovers of this story for years, there is something wrong with their marketing department. This really sends Detective Comics off with a bang! Everyone should be sure to catch these creators on whatever they're doing next: Snyder on the new Batman & Swamp Thing (and American Vampire, of course), Francavilla on Black Panther and Jock on whatever he does next. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    IGN - Erik Norris Aug 8, 2011

    Unfortunately, all good things must eventually come to an end. That's the case this week with Detective Comics #881. But what a run it's been. As I said previously, there is no way this run on Detective Comics won't go down in the history books as one of the best Batman stories ever. Not only does it put a definitive stamp on Dick Grayson's venture as Batman, but it also peels back the layers of Jim Gordon's psyche and gives a fitting explanation as to why Gotham is the way it is. Honestly, what more could you ask for from a Batman story? Scott Snyder, Jock and Francesco Francavilla have given us everything and the kitchen sink, now it's time for us to just happily dwell in it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Aug 13, 2011

    As endings go, you cannot get better than the ending Scott Snyder, Jock and Francavilla combined to give us in Detective Comics #881. This issue was absolutely perfect end for a run that will go down as one of my favorite Batman runs of all-time. Snyder did a wonderful job from the beginning to the end of his run. Every issue built on the what came before it and it all came together for a tightly told ending that saw Snyder give Dick Grayson his own version of the Joker in James Gordon. All of the character work was spot on as we saw each character involved in the story grow and accept their roles as Gotham Citys protectors. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicBuzz - johnlees Aug 31, 2011

    Both artists deliver the goods, as they have throughout this run, and I was very happy to see Snyder, Jock and Francavilla all named on the cover of this final issue of Detective Comics. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Aug 10, 2011

    Actual nuts and bolts of what happens in issue 881 are irrelevant; the true depth here is in the character study. One particularly stellar section has Jim and Dick facing off in a battle of words as Dick searches for them. Jim makes a distinction between Dick and Bruce (he has long since figured out the Batman identity scenario), which is so telling and so true that it snaps everything Snyder has been doing into place. Since he's taking over for Batman after the reboot, I hope those elements stay in place. While I'm not sold on DC ending the era I grew up with, I can think of no more perfect finale than Scott Snyder's brilliant run. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kyle Garret Aug 14, 2011

    Allow me to summarize my feelings thusly: Scott Snyder will always get the benefit of the doubt from me from now on. Read Full Review

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