When bestowed with the enormous powers of a god...do as gods do! David and Kelly flout enemies and allies alike to reveal themselves to the public and heal the sick and suffering with their nanobot technology. But inside their shared body, David and Kelly are at war for control. With a new threat on the horizon so great that even the Immortals fear it, will the bickering lovers get it together in time to save the world?
The story opens with a flashback to a time when David and Kelly worked together on the nanobite project and discussed their hopes for the future. In the present, Duo takes to the streets with a group of weaponized androids in the aftermath of a previous conflict. Soon, Duo meets a concerned Detective Truco, and find themselves in an altercation with law enforcement. Afterwards, they interact with the public before having a surprising showdown with both Dr. Tinker and the Immutables.The Story: The penultimate chapter of this limited series is a high-octane adventure that not only showcases the extreme power of the Duo but delves into their humanitarian desires. It is also fascinating to see Kelly fulfill her greatest wish. Her need to help people is both heartwarming and frightening. Although it appears to come from good intentions, her method of wielding power is rightfully likened to playing God. And although I am not a fan of Dr. Tinker, I agree with his wariness of Duos abilities. F Read Full Review
Duo has quietly emerged as one of the breakout books of this initial wave of Milestone's new era. Its consistency and escalating storytelling has made for a rewarding read each month. Read Full Review
Duo has been a great series thus far. Greg Pak, Khoi Pham, Scott Hanna, Chris Sotomayor and Janice Chiang tell an excellent, heartfelt story and sets up a hopeful if difficult future for the rest of Earth M. With their fantastic art, storytelling and letters, this book is one that everyone should definitely seek out! Read Full Review
These are some strong characters, and I don't know if six issues was enough for this story. Read Full Review
Pham's art is stylized, bordering on bizarre, while the introduction of multiple world-changing plot point makes for an odd, unfocused reading experience. Read Full Review
This was a solid issue, perhaps the best yet, but the uneven pacing on the series as a whole means it feels like this series is still in act 1 as we enter the home stretch