Flash Annual #1
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Flash Annual #1

Writer: Francis Manapul, Brian Buccellato Artist: Francis Manapul Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 29, 2012 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 6
7.2Critic Rating
7.4User Rating

The Rogues – victorious? If THE FLASH had trouble with them individually, together they’ll kill him! Something worse than The Rogues is just waiting for the right moment to attack....

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Aug 29, 2012

    Getting two issues of THE FLASH this month has been a treat. This annual continues the story of the newly reformed Rogues against Flash. This isn't the same Rogues Flash has faced before as their powers have been augmented and we finally get to discover how this came to be. The explanation adds a new layer to the series and it's going to be spectacular when Barry finds out what happened. Francis Manapul does the breakdowns on the entire issue but there are five other (talented) artists that do the pencils and inks. This makes the comic feel a little disjointed but you can feel Manapul's design influence on the issue. This issue is important for readers of the regular series and we get a pretty big set up for the events after next month's 'zero' issue. If you're digging Manapul and Buccellato's THE FLASH, there is no questioning whether or not you need to read this annual. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ScienceFiction.com - Scott West Aug 30, 2012

    Wow! This issue was great! This series overall has been awesome but I've commented before that it moves at a rapid-fire pace allowing the readers only brief moments to slow down and get their bearings before plowing into the next action-packed scene. That isn't bad and of itself (and it's actually fitting given the title character). This issue though doesn't have that problem. Oh! Don't get me wrong. It still moves extremely fast. But the story is broken down into smaller chunks and chapters that allow more moments to breath. Also, the switching of gears with the different tales seems to keep things fresh every few pages. I haven't had a chance to read all of my annuals this week yet but I already expect that this one is going to be one of the best. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Aug 30, 2012

    I want to say Flash Annual #1 will get me back into reading The Flash again, and I'll definitely check out Flash #13 if it upholds the promise of Rogues vs. Gorilla City, but I know that, eventually, all of these bad guys will have to exeunt with a flourish, and we'll be back to focusing on Barry Allen. Then, my eyes will glaze over and I'll forget to buy it again. It's not something I blame Manapul and Buccellato for, though. I have no idea what to suggest to them that would make Barry interesting. He's not cool in Justice League and he's not cool in his own book. He's just okay. He's not really fun, and that's what I'd prefer out of a Flash. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Sep 4, 2012

    The grand finale serves as the ultimate holy shit moment that brings a set of insurmountable odds that the Fastest Man Alive might not be able to out run. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff Sep 2, 2012

    The Flash Annual is a chunky book that is well worth the price of admission, with lots of information being imparted, and the usual mixture of plot progression, setting up for the future, and even some tying up of business from the past. The cavalcade of artists aren't bad, but the issue probably could have done without one or two of them, so that there was more time to appreciate each of them instead. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Aug 29, 2012

    The five chapters do not tell a linear story as much as they jump around in time to reveal character motivations and the like. Chapter two by far earns the award for the most intriguing entry as it divulges how the Rogues went from criminals with super powered weapons to criminals with actual super powers. Captain Cold becomes the compelling backbone of this chapter and most of the others, so while this was a fine comic book, it means the Scarlet Speedster has some catching up to do. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Aug 30, 2012

    Speeding up, the comic picks up where Flash #12 left off as the Scarlet Speester and Captain Cold take on Glider, Mirror Master, Weather Wizard, the Trickster, and Heat Wave. Throw in plenty of action, a last second double cross, the return of Turbine, and a crazy ending involving Gorilla Grodd and and army of apes and even at $5 you're going to get most of your money's worth. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin Sep 2, 2012

    If you've been following The Flash, this is a must read, as you'll be super lost come issue #13 otherwise. However, if you've been looking to jump onto the series, I'd suggest waiting for issue #0 next month, as this book isn't not exactly friendly to new readers. There's a heck of a lot going on, but it wouldn't always make a ton of sense to people unfamiliar with what's going on. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Major Spoilers - Chris Wilson Sep 1, 2012

    Overall I was disappointed. I've enjoyed The Flash but this issue seemed like a rush, something that needed more time to expand in the regular monthly title. In the end we get a disappointing explanation of the Rogues' powers, and a fight scene that just sets up next month's issue. $4.99 is too high a price point for what you get. I normally would have waited a month to purchase this on my iPad for a dollar cheaper, but even then that would have been too much. The art is what really saves this issue for me, but art is nothing without a good story behind it. Maybe they'll do better next year. The Flash Annual #1 gets 2 out of 5 stars. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay Aug 30, 2012

    "The Flash Annual" #1 is an issue that could have been very cool, but it just didn't have enough muscle to stand on its own and play by its own rules. The Rogues get some air time but it's mostly white noise. The Flash manages to not really emote at all past the first few pages. The fights offer some spectacular visuals but eventually come off as hollow. Unfortunately, this issue is indicative of what doesn't work in superhero comics right now. Read Full Review

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