The Arc Angles have gathered their forces and are ready to bring forth the new age they seek. But the Flash Family is gathered for a final stand while still dealing with public unrest and Waller’s forces. Will it be enough to stop the Arc Angles’ will? Well, the Resident and Linda have come to an epiphany, and have to risk everything to get to Wally…
It's a wild experiment, but one I'm not sure always works. Read Full Review
The Flash #12 nears the end of Si Spurrier's bizarre, head-scratching take on the end of all things with an issue that's sort of understandable. This isn't a great comic by any stretch, but you can at least (almost) follow what's happening. That's about as much praise as this comic deserves. Read Full Review
At least you can see that Spurrier is making a worthy attempt to stick the landing with his year-long storyline by reinforcing the bonds between him, his wife, kids and friends as he races to prevent the end of time and humanity itself. High stakes for sure. Spurrier made me actually care again about what’s happening.