Flashpoint: Reverse-Flash #1
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Flashpoint: Reverse-Flash #1

Event\Storyline: Flashpoint Writer: Scott Kolins Artist: Joel Gomez Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 22, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 7
6.3Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

  • 8.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jun 24, 2011

    So far, we haven't gleaned much more about the backstory of Flashpoint - but we seem to be getting there. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jul 29, 2011

    While there was a lot I liked about the Flash: Rebirth series, the majority of it shows up in this single book and makes it a far easier recommendation when asked what the deal is with Barry, both as to why he was a bit of a jerk for awhile during his return and why there will always be a longstanding issue between these two men. I always dislike the way that Thawne becomes something of a go-to villain for Flash writers, but they did manage to make him the appropriate overall arch-nemesis for him through this retooling of Barry's past and hints as to why it could be such a huge factor with the Flashpoint storyline itself. Though it's essentially just a recap piece to help bring new readers up to speed, it's also a very good refresher for fans who may have forgotten parts of it or prefer a more condensed and less annoying version of Flash: Rebirth. For that alone, Scott Kolins gets my heartfelt thanks. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Jun 22, 2011

    You know that Reverse Flash hates Flash but we never got to fully see things from his perspective. Books focusing on the villain are rare and it's always a great change of pace getting a taste of what is happening on the other side of hero/villain battles. Scott Kolins, being familiar with the world of Flash does a great job portraying the hatred and showing us the extent of Eobard Thawne's plan and how long it's been in motion. Joel Gomez art fits nicely with Thawne's dark nature and Brian Buccellato's colors on top gives it a feel reminiscent of Francis Manapul's art in The Flash. We still don't know what the exact cause of Flashpoint and it's unclear if we'll find out in this series or the Flashpoint mini. Either way, seeing what goes on in Reverse Flash's mind is definitely worth seeing. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 22, 2011

    Taken strictly on its own merits, this is a solid entry into the Flashpoint lineup, if one of questionable relevance. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    cxPulp - Adam Chapman Jun 23, 2011

    The big "cliffhanger" ending of this issue isn't really a cliffhanger at all, considering that it's already known what comes next, and it leaves the reader with less of a feeling of really wanting to read the next issue to see what comes next. For fans who were, like me, excited about seeing more of Reverse-Flash's involvement with Flashpoint, you're going to be disappointed, because as I said at the top this issue, and thusly this mini-series thus far, act much more like Flash: Rebirth prelude than as a Flashpoint tie-in. Kollins definitely does a nice job with the writing, it's just too bad that he treads on ground that's already been over-harvested in recent times. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jun 29, 2011

    That's not to say it's a bad read, but there's little here for those of us who already know the backstory between Barry Allen and Professor Zoom including Zoom's repeated attempts on Iris Allen‘s life, his attempts to rewrite history by stopping Allen from becoming the Flash, and his death at the hands of his hated foe. Worth a look (but only for those who need a brush-up on the character). Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jun 22, 2011

    It's this nugget that is clearly the most interesting part of "Flashpoint: Reverse-Flash." Maybe it will turn out to be nothing, but it's certainly a more pleasant conclusion to walk away with, rather than an image of the Reverse-Flash about to kill Barry Allen's mother. (Of course, "Flashpoint" has that moment now undone, but that's neither here nor there.) And, if nothing else, it's nice to have a potential big hint buried in one of the tie-in comics. Makes you wonder what else is waiting to be uncovered in the various mini-series, right? Happy hunting... Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Jun 30, 2011

    The art adorning this one-shot is unusual, and at first, I didn't really know what I thought of it. Joel Gomez's work here looks like a cross between the styles of Francis Manapul and Bill Sienkiewicz. The loose, exaggerated approach conveys the title character's twisted, corrupt nature pretty well, and I actually really enjoyed the juxtaposition of the dark deeds wrought in the story and the bright and garish colors of the villain's costume. Gomez could stand to learn that sometimes, less is more; for example, the evil grin splashed across the villain's face at one point is too over the top. But overall, I enjoyed his unconventional artwork. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Jun 23, 2011

    Almost the only redeeming point about this issue is that it's a one-shot, not the first of a three-part series as the cover indicates. It's also not the least worthy offering from Kolins; we already had that two weeks ago. Read Full Review

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