Not since the time of Mightor has planet Earth seen titans battle like this! The towering mechanical might of Frankenstein Jr. hurls megavoltage at the largest creature ever to stride the planet's surface! Race Bannon fights with power no Terran has ever possessed! The Herculoids arrive from the far reaches of time and space to join the fray! And then, it all goes wrong...
The end is near and with it we are totally engrossed by this inspiring tale of humanity trying to survive at all costs – an underdog story in the truest sense of the term. Future Quest has been a roller coaster ride from the very start, but for now, this straightaway lulls us into a sense of peace. While we may think we know what is coming next, Parker and his team will no doubt hold out the big guns until the end … resulting in an enormous splash into the rushing torrent, making us scream like a little girl from the top of the hill until we impact with a spine jarring thud at the bottom of the chasm. We will then laugh – knowing that this sensation left us only wanting more. Read Full Review
As this run comes to an end, Parker has this book heading on the right path. With that final panel of this issue, we see that he is planning an epic hero/villain/robot/monster battle of the century. I hope he brings the whole art team back for the final few issues. It should be fun. Read Full Review
I think this issue on its own makes for a satisfying enough read, it's just that you had to fight through some of the more sloggy middle offerings to get here and fully appreciate where this series is going. BUT, on the bright side, Parker and Shaner stand reunited for these final two issues, barring any unannounced changes that I can tell, so perhaps these readjustments will all prove worthwhile with the whiz bang finale that I, and lots of other kids at heart, have been waiting for. I just kinda wish this title had lived up to its massive potential more often, rather than just in fits and spurts. Read Full Review