BRIGHTEST DAY continues with the revelation of the identity of the cloaked figure that's been collecting the Emotional Spectrum Entities! But how does its end goal involve the Butcher, the personification of rage? Plus, another being seeks the red entity The Spectre! And he has no patience with his former host Hal Jordan, who happens to be in the way
This was a rare issue. Stand-alone. Emotionally powerful. Hauntingly clingy to the insides of your head. Johns did a great job and the art team had his back. Buy this issue, whether you read GL or not. All you need to know in advance is that Atrocitus has anger issues! Enjoy. Read Full Review
While I am disappointed that this issue doesn't directly pick up on the Read Full Review
Very strong Brightest Day chapter that gives us a break in the main action before we ramp up towards War of the Green Lanterns. Read Full Review
So there you have it, a review of a Green Lanternless "Green Lantern" issue. Taken as a story of the Emerald Warrior of Sector 2814, this story underwhelms. As a tale of rage, vengeance, and conflict, this is a rather intriguing issue. I'd like a little more green on my lanterns though. Read Full Review
I would’ve never thought Johns would be able to make me feel for Atrocitis but here we are.