Green Lantern #67
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Green Lantern #67

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Doug Mahnke Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 13, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 8
7.5Critic Rating
9.2User Rating

The blockbuster "War of the Green Lanterns" comes to a universe-shattering conclusion! How will Krona's rampage ultimately affect the Green Lantern Corps? All we can say is it will change EVERYTHING!Download the checklist and collect all of the issues in the "War of the Green Lanterns" story!

  • 10
    Blog Of Oa - Myron Rumsey Jul 15, 2011

    Green Lantern no moreThere's just so much to explore and I can't wait to see how it all unfolds. And that's just some of what is yet to be expanded on! I don't know where it's going but I'm positive it's going to be an awesome ride.Five out of five lanterns. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Jul 13, 2011

    Things will never be the same. We hear that a lot, especially with event stories. The recent issue of Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors may have caused confusion as that should have been released after this issue but based on what happens here, I can totally overlook that shipping goof. War of the Green Lanterns was an enjoyable arc. It did have some low points but overall I dug it. The conclusion here went above and beyond what I was expecting. At the end of the day, that's what is most important. This issue is setting up major changes for the future of Green Lantern and I haven't been more excited. Bravo to everyone involved with this issue and the decision made. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    cxPulp - Blake Petit Jul 13, 2011

    It would take someone whos never read comics before to think the way things end this issue are permanent, Ill admit that. You cant look at stories in an ongoing superhero universe as ending, just finding a plateau upon which to rest. As plateaus go, this is a really good one. I really cant wait for September, to see where this story is going to go next. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Erik Norris Jul 14, 2011

    It's actually rather rare when the conclusion to an event radically alters the landscape of a universe. But that's exactly what Green Lantern #67 does for the Green Lantern mythos. It's going to be interesting to see where this all goes. If the Green Lantern proper series was getting predictable and stale to you, let Green Lantern #67 be a wake-up call that things are just getting started. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Jul 13, 2011

    Heart-thumpingly explosive and full of swerves that'll leave your head spinning. Not much dramatic depth to be found here, but a pretty consequential conclusion to DC's Event that is not an Event. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jul 13, 2011

    The end result is a story worthy of the "Green Lantern" title. This issue, in addition to containing some revelations, seems to bring about the conclusion to the series of events that have driven this book for the past few years. Sure, there are some open plot threads, but none of them feel like plots that exist simply as the foundation of an event. These new plots have a purpose, offer up some excitement, and have me waiting for more. It feels good to be excited about the Green Lantern Corps again. I just hope it is a feeling that is justified. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Jul 16, 2011

    Green Lantern #67 was a great end to the War of the Green Lanterns. Though I had my share of problems with most of the issues in this crossover Geoff Johns was able to deliver the good with this final issue. Things have been shaken up for the whole Green Lantern franchise in a very interesting manner as now we have Sinestro back to being a Green Lantern and Hal kicked out. This sets up things up nicely for the relaunched Green Lantern books in September. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jul 13, 2011

    Did NOT see that one coming, even after DC's late announcement, but I have to say that I like it, not because it will knock Hal down a peg, but because it should allow the creators to show us WHY they believe he is the one, true Green Lantern. Those who have said that Green Lantern isn't going to have any changes in the big September relaunch should probably get some salt, as they're going to have to eat those word. Still and all, this issue isn't as strong as I would have liked, with it's near-maniacal focus on one man in the middle of what is supposed to be a giant intergalactic conflict. Aside from Kyle and Sinestro getting their brief moments, nearly no on else matters in the battle. John and Guy get a handful of lines, while Arisia and Kilowog are pretty much human scenery (albeit of a non-human variety.) There is some (probably intentional) confusion about whether or not the Gruesome Twosome really meant to kill Krona, and the Guardians are once again maddeningly obtuse, but on t Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jul 15, 2011

    I'm a big fan of the series, but I think this story just got away from the creative team. Hopefully the upcoming issue #1 will bring things back into focus. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jul 20, 2011

    We'll have to see how both of these events play out in the DC reboot, but I'm betting Jordan won't be without a ring for very long. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Jul 17, 2011

    Mahnke's work on this title has been stellar throughout the run, and given the strength of his work before that, it comes as no surprise to those of us familiar with his art. He certainly captures an epic and immense scope here. There are plenty of visual cues that convey that Everything Is on the Line. The colors are appropriately vibrant as well, given the cosmic energy of various hues that flow freely as part of the story. My one qualm with the art is the fact that the use of multiple inkers makes for some inconsistency. The linework on pages 7 and 19, for example, seems a lot rougher than it does on other pages. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Jul 14, 2011

    None of what happened at the end of Green Lantern #67 would bug me if it made a lick of sense. Nobody involved acts anything like themselves in this one issue, and the Guardians freakout smells badly of pushing the plot for the reboot. It’s pathetic that after the greatness of Blackest Night and the massively entertaining War Of The Green Lanterns, that DC would allow such an ending just to drive their misguided reboot. Read Full Review

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