Green Lantern Corps #15

Writer: Dave Gibbons Artist: Patrick Gleason, Angel Unzueta Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 22, 2007 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 13
8.0Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Sinestro Corps War Part 5: The Battle of Mogo
The Battle of Mogo! Wounded and alone, the biggest Green Lantern of them all must face a planet-sized opponent as the Sinestro Corps attacks.

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Aug 22, 2007

    The ending of this issue picks up the Lost Lanterns storyline from Green Lantern and shows them meeting up with none other than the Anti-Monitor himself. It was an awesome splash page that gave me an, "Oh f---!" moment and cemented this as one of the best issues in the Sinestro War to date. Cannot wait for next months issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers Aug 23, 2007

    Overall, this series does an excellent job capturing the more action-packed side of the Sinestro War. While there isnt a great deal in terms of the plot development of the war itself, when dealing with the Green Lanterns, there has to be issues devoted to the battlefront, and this is one of those issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Comic Addiction - Corwin C. Crowl Aug 20, 2007

    The build up of the last few issues finally explodes into the second major battle. Gleason and Unzueta once again split the art work but this time their styles blend together better. Gleason does however get most of the action scenes including the great two page splash that turns the book in a clockwise direction. As the two Corps are battling it out the panels slowly turn clockwise forcing you to turn the issue clockwise as you follow from panel to panel. I am not sure if I have ever seen this before but Gleason gets a lot of points for his storytelling. Gibbons also gives us a well paced story showing the brutality of the War. Arkillo proves to be absolutely vicious in battle and proves to be a challenge for Kilowog. Hopefully the two will meet again as their battle was cut short. The break neck pace of the story has returned and I am enjoying every second of it! We truly now have a crossover as elements from the Green Lantern book are picked up in this issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Aug 29, 2007

    As far as tie-in issues go, this was pretty good. Normally, I dislike buying a title I normally don't get just to follow the storyline of a big event. However, Gibbons did a good enough job so I didn't feel cheated or that I wasted my time buying an unimportant tie-in issue. Read Full Review

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