Injustice: Year Three #12

Writer: Tom Taylor Artist: Mike S. Miller, Bruno Redondo Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 17, 2014 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 10
8.2Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

Showdown at the Hall of Justice as the Demon Etrigan squares off with Superman. But with Jason Blood dead, just who is "the form of man"?

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Kate Kane Dec 17, 2014

    Injustice has now turned the tables yet again with Batman standing at the top. Its a hesitant time for both sides as we move closer to year 3. So stay tuned to see what is in stall for both sides and who will wake the sleeping emperor. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Dec 16, 2014

    Injustice: Year Three #12 is another issue that emphasizes that those predictions from Madame Xanadu were not to be taken lightly. She said the emperor sleeps, and the emperor has slept. Now in the world of Injustice anything is still possible and knowing what we do from the game, Superman obviously won't stay asleep. The next question is how long will he sleep and/or who possibly will be the one to wake him up. Even with that to look forward to, you are left scratching your head as to why a down Superman is left where he fell. It would seem that a serious person would not leave him out in the open given the impossible has been made possible on multiple occasions. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Dec 16, 2014

    The Spectre's story seems to be moving along pretty slowly (it's looking like that may change soon), but the rebels' mission against Superman takes a huge and very promising step forward. Yes, if you've been paying close enough attention it's something you probably saw coming a mile away, but that doesn't change it from being all kinds of exciting and being a development that's full of potential. A whole new stage has been set. One character is out of commission, another is probably ready to unleash all kinds of hell. Then there's the other big developments which happened in the previous issues (the new Deadman!) and Madam Xanadu's teasers. The INJUSTICE universe is never a boring place, is it? Three volumes in and this is still an incredibly entertaining ride. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jan 4, 2015

    Injustice has worked a lot of different angles so far with this year of the storyline and it's been a lot of fun. This one is different in tone alone from the lack of Constantine in it to define the direction, but it works well because we get such fun players. Etrigan going up against some top tier folks is always a treat since he's usually not given his due. But he makes it clear he's got a lot going for him here in this part of the story, and with his new partnership. I also really liked seeing what the Spectre and Phantom Stranger are up to, though it still dances around who the Spectre really is on the inside, which I hope isn't dragged out too much more so we can move on to the next phase of what's going on. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Dec 17, 2014

    This issue has a crazy death and one awesome twist.  I wish the story would have moved forward a bit more, but what we got was pretty damn exciting.  The art was pretty good throughout, even if Superman just looked off.  The prophecy said the Emperor would sleep and they were right. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Mar 19, 2015

    Year Three has had some stand-out moments, but overall didn't deliver the shock and awe of Injustice's first two years. This finale not only sports a fairly lacklustre deus ex machina resolution to the problem of Trigon and Mxyzptlk, but criminally under-uses (or flat out ignores) key characters such as Zatanna and Raven. Worse still, the final resolution to John Constantine's role in the insurgency hinges on a made-for-Injustice character we know virtually nothing about, never got to spend real time with, and whose disappearance now will have no impact on Batman's crew. In fact, none of Year Three has any lasting impact (with the exception of a few deaths). The balance of power is unchanged and the key characters are unchanged. In a book that has thrived on altering the status quo with nearly every issue in the past, this is, in a word, disappointing. Read Full Review

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