Injustice: Year Three #2

Writer: Tom Taylor Artist: Bruno Redondo Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 8, 2014 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 10
8.8Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

John Constantine confronts a deadly demon and later takes a meeting with Batman.

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Oct 7, 2014

    INJUSTICE: YEAR THREE #2 is a real delight. It's a chapter that balances comedy and plot progression extraordinarily well. Throw in consistently solid visuals to boost all of the gags and the end result is a thoroughly entertaining and funny read. We're just two chapters in and I'm rooting for Constantine big time. You know what that means, right? It means it'll be so heartbreaking if (more like when) the character is killed off. Ultimately, we know Superman stays in power when all is said and done, but this is turning out to be a wonderfully lighthearted and engaging story arc. Now we just have to wait and see if Taylor will give the world what it deserves: a full chapter of Constantine teaming-up with Harley Quinn. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Oct 7, 2014

    Tom Taylor has done the impossible by making me like Injustice even more.  The empahasis on the magical side of things and the increased humor has given new life to a book that was already great.  Bruno Redondo and Vicente Cifuentes' art is icing on the cake that is another super issue.  I can't see anyone reading this and not falling instantly in love with it.  It's that good. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Mike Logsdon Oct 22, 2014

    Mike S. Miller and Bruno Redondo work "together" once again by tag-teaming the two halves of this issue. Miller continues to deliver on his character models, and strong acting skills. Redondo provides pencils with finishes provided by Xermanico. Unfortunately, the results aren't quite as strong as they usually are as there are some rough edges. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Oct 23, 2014

    Year Three is wasting no time obliterating characters in horrific fashion. Two of our Resistance heroes take a final bow (one of whom we were only just seeing for the first time!). But this is Injustice, so death is pervasive and almost no one is safe. The good news is that Batman (with a little help from John Constantine) is front and center as the head of the Resistance again; he's had a long road to recovery, but he's looking ready to take the fight to the next level. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Oct 7, 2014

    Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Three #2 is a solid start of what will be a war of superheroes, space cops, and now magic users. This is a world where everyone is affected by this conflict and that is what brings it to life. They can all be fighting, but if you can't show the collateral damage it means nothing. You need to get that emotional weight and investment, one which we have more of through Constantine. A guy who just wants revenge for his daughter's mother. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Kate Kane Oct 8, 2014

    So as the plan continues, INJUSTICE is living up to the title as both sides are now trying to find more allies for each cause. There is definitely more excitement to come so stay tuned for some magical moments ahead. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Dec 24, 2014

    While the opening issue didn't knock it out of the park for me, and neither did this one, it's setting up some good stuff and is definitely the kind of smooth, easy and fun read that I wanted. So many books are so mired in the grim and angst that it forgets how to do that while not being consumed by it. Tom Taylor brings it together well here once again with Bruno Redondo as we get an expansion on events from the first, some great time with Trigon and a good bit of snarky but appropriate dialogue from Constantine as he plays his own loose, larger than life game. I'm definitely curious to see what path it takes here as this series goes on. Read Full Review

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