Justice League Of America's Vibe #5

Writer: Sterling Gates Artist: Pete Woods Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 19, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 4
6.9Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

On the run from A.R.G.U.S., Vibe jumps into the crosshairs of the Suicide Squad!

  • 8.4
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Jun 25, 2013

    So overall a rapid and very fun ride with dramatic character movement forward. I would have expected this sort of story more around issue twelve of this series, so to get it so early is interesting to me. How will this effect the JLA book? Will this remain a 'teen hero discovering his place' book? Or will the cruel reality of rebelling against a black ops system with family and friends being caught in the crossfire end up working into the book? Will trusting ARGUS then trusting Gypsy leave Paco jaded and cautious? Or will he continue to try to help those he feels need it without reservation. This book has been consistently entertaining. It has a classic 'struggling young hero' feel like early Spiderman, Firestorm, etc. But it also is moving at a breakneck pace which leaves you breathless as a reader, wanting to read more almost immediately. It is a shame that sales aren't healthy. People are missing out on a great little comic here. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 19, 2013

    I'm really pleased with the work Pete Woods is turning in on this series. Each month, Woods seems to be focusing a bit less on realism and more on stylized, energetic depictions of DC's heroes and villains. It's a welcome shift, and one that helps the series stand out that much more. My only complaint is that Amanda Waller is rendered in an oddly sexual way in this issue. It's bad enough that the New 52 resulted in her transforming from "The Wall" to generic pretty comic book lady. This issue takes the transformation even further, and it doesn't suit her character at all. But if that and pointless guest stars are the worst that can be said about Vibe's new series, he's doing pretty well for himself. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    Entertainment Fuse - Elvis Dutan Jun 21, 2013

    Sterling Gates has been knocking it out of the park with this series, doing what was done in the first issues with Geoff Johns and expanding upon it with a lot of skill. Artist Pete Woods has also brought a lot to the table with the cartoonish, but not in a bad way in the least, colorful and very slick style. Together it makes for fun, enjoyable, and light reading. This series is not going to be a hit any time soon, and will eventually get its pink slip but Id advise to enjoy it while it lasts. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze Jun 21, 2013

    Overall Gates shows just how inexperienced Vibe is as a hero and with his own powers. While it adds to his character development, it does as well make him seems a bit too immature for someone who is working with A.R.G.U.S.. Like in previous issue he has been told that he really doesn't belong there and hopefully with what's to come next this is the next step in his story which is to get himself out before he digs himself any deeper than he already has. While the story is sub-par, the art style manages to be the best thing about it which kinda says something. So you hope that Gates can turn things up before this feels like it's going nowhere. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jun 24, 2013

    Gates has made this book a fun read that is rarely predictable, but always enjoyable, regardless of artist. With Pete Woods drawing, "Justice League of America's Vibe" #5 provides another look at the Circus, A.R.G.U.S.'s collection of dimensional refugees and Breachers. Vibe's predicament sets up some action certain to erupt in this prison and I'm looking forward to it. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Jun 25, 2013

    Gates' story suffers largely from mistiming. He really needed to spend more time earning his dramatic twists instead of just piling them on in an attempt to generate interest. Only strong art saves the issue from being a total wash. Read Full Review

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