Nightwing #20

Writer: Kyle Higgins Artist: Brett Booth Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 15, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 6
8.2Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

After witnessing so much death in the past few months, how will Nightwing react when he learns a key figure in his life has returned from the grave?

  • 10
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill May 17, 2013

    Yet another great installment in the monthly adventures of Batman's first and greatest sidekick, brought to us by veteran Nightwing writer Kyle Higgins and new series artist Brett Booth. This book continues to prove that the Batman line is the best in comics. The dialogue is witty, quick, and realistic and the art speaks to the 90s kid in me but also the adult comic reader within. It's one of many examples of the New 52 line really understanding the necessity of pairing a writer with an artist who complements his or her own work. It's something that can make a good book great, which is definitely the case in this new creative team. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring May 15, 2013

    - Pick of the WeekI haven't given the "pick of the week" title to a book in quite a while, that I can remember, but I can't remember a time where something was so good that I read it two times, in one sitting, then wanted to read it again. The creative team on this book of Higgins, Booth, Rapmund, and Dalhouse is at the top of their game.Finally, this character and book feels separate from the shadow of the Bat, which is what it needs. Sure, this character was at one time the sidekick of Batman, but he's come so far, on his own, that he needs to be thought of as his own character, in his own world, not just Robin I. Overall, I highly recommend this issue and this series. If you plan on reading it, please go pick up issue 19 so you have a better understand of what is going on. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson May 16, 2013

    Nightwing is getting better and better the more it's not focused on Bat family issues. Kyle Higgins is proving that Dick Grayson can stand as his own hero without having to live in Batman's proverbial shadow. He's an anomalous character because, unlike Jason Todd, Tim Drake, or Damian Wayne, Dick was able to properly process Bruce's teachings and heroic lifestyle. While the other three Robins mostly retained the darkness and bitterness, Dick stayed positive and is still the most optimistic member of the Bat family. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Following The Nerd - Sarah Barclay May 17, 2013

    Overall, Nightwing has quickly become one of the most fun books I read and I absolutely adore it. I can't wait for this story to continue in the coming months. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    IGN - Melissa Grey May 15, 2013

    It's clear that Higgins is having fun with his take on the darker side of vigilante justice and it's hard not to have fun right along with him. The Prankster is just the kind of dramatic foil a character like Dick Grayson needs; he's sly, quick-witted, and has the strength of his convictions behind him. Higgins is taking us for a ride that promises to be a good one. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comics Are Not Dead - Comics Are Not Dead May 19, 2013

    If Nightwing continues to get better, I think DC could have it's answer to Marvel's Daredevil in just a few months. It's THAT good. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry May 16, 2013

    I laughed for the first half, was on the edge of my seat for the 2nd half, and was wowed by the artwork the whole way. The future looks bright for Nightwing and this particular story has all the potential to be the best arc yet. By the way, I'm happy that the book you all most voted for me to review turned out to be one of the best of the month. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Daniel Gehen May 21, 2013

    Despite its flaws, I loved this issue. Nightwing #20 is another step in the right direction for the title and the character himself. Higgins is building a world for his title character that allows him to stand on his own out from the shadow of the Bat. If you havent been reading Nightwing for a while, nows the time to start reading. Its currently one of the best pure superhero titles on shelves right now. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers May 15, 2013

    It is an exciting time for Nightwing. New city, new direction, new characters, some changes to old ones, there's a lot to like. While this issue didn't leave me as amped as #19 did, with all the initial changes to everything, there's still a lot to enjoy, mainly: Nightwing is free. Free of Gotham, free of owls, free of Joker, and what comes in the wake of all that stuff? Fun, and fun is what a Nightwing book should be. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills May 18, 2013

    The new Prankster isn't all that interesting yet, mostly just your typical villain with a flair for the dramatic. Though I liked the moment where he was able to hack the heads-up display in Nightwing's mask. That seemed rather innovative. The costume is a bit silly though. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose May 20, 2013

    There are likely those who might criticize Nightwing for being less than ambitious, and I can definitely see how people might accuse this book of playing it safe " however, there's something to be said for a solid comic that blends action and melodrama without getting bogged down in this need to reinvent the wheel. There's nothing wrong with Dick Grayson, and he's such an easygoing character that it's not hard to pick up a comic with him in it and immediately feel some sort of investment. Given the manic atmosphere of much of today's superhero comics, a little bit of normalcy might not be such a bad thing. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin May 16, 2013

    Nightwing #20 may not be a groundbreaking issue but by building a strong foundation around Nightwing and his new setting Kyle Higgins has set this series up to tell riveting stories. Most importantly this change in the setting gives Higgins and Brett Booth the opportunity to show off the skills and resourcefulness Nightwing has now that he is limited with the equipment and resources available to him. The Pranksters appearance also throws a wrench in things as his rise furthers the mysterious history Chicago has with masked vigilantes. At the same time Higgins is able to firmly establish Nightwings supporting cast and develop some major sub-plots that will prove beneficial in the longevity of the overarching Tony Zucco story. If youre a Batman fan I highly recommend checking Nightwing out as it has separated itself as its own series separate from the rest of the Batman Family. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton May 17, 2013

    "Nightwing" #20 is overall enjoyable, and I want to see what Higgins and Booth continue to do with the new Chicago setting. Early issues of "Nightwing" weren't afraid to hop around the country, and I like that Higgins is now able to go back to spotlighting places other than Gotham City. All in all, enough fun that I'll be back for more. Read Full Review

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