Nightwing #5

Writer: Kyle Higgins Artist: Eddy Barrows Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 18, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 9
6.4Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

With winter closing in, Haly's Circus hits New Orleans! But as Dick Grayson gets closer in his search for answers about the mystery of the circus, it's not just the temperature that heats up. And just how does a voodoo ritual gone bad factor in? Find out as Nightwing takes the Big Easy!

  • 8.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Jan 18, 2012

    The big reveal was the identity of Saiko, as Dick's one believed to be dead friend, and the fact that Raya is in league (and bed) with him. This sucks, cus I actually liked Raya, but nevertheless things are coming together. Saiko knows about the book, and what it is. Thanks to the solicit for issue #8, we know that one of the names in the book belongs to William Cobb, aka the Talon currently after Batman. So the book obviously has something to do with the Court of Owls. Does that mean Saiko has something to do with the Court? I'd guess "yes." Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Erik Norris Jan 18, 2012

    Nightwing #5 is a home run from a writing and artwork mentality. However, the lack of forward progression to the series' overall plot -- outside the book's final page reveal -- does hurt this issue. Hopefully Higgins and Barrows can get this book's pacing back on track next month. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Jake Baumgart Jan 19, 2012

    The overall tone of the book really sets up the New 52 version of Nightwing (not all that different from the old one, really) and the visuals make me forget about the costume change. Although this issue seems like filler in the big picture of the story arc, it's still a fun ride for fans of the first Robin. Read Full Review

  • 6.2
    Entertainment Fuse - Kat West AKA Comic Uno Jan 18, 2012

    In conclusion, I would tell you guys to pick up this issue if you like the mystery being told in this series. If you were looking for a good villain story I would say skip this issue and wait for the next issue. It seems like the demon story was only a one shot story so that is good for the people who did not enjoy this issue that much. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jan 22, 2012

    The comic ends with a reveal I won't spoil here about the true motives of one of the comic's supporting characters. I'm not sure if its meant to be shocking, but it doesn't come off as well as I'm sure writer Kyle Higgins planned. There's simply no shock value turning a character so soon after they have been introduced. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Matt Demers Jan 18, 2012

    I've been a pretty big fan of Nightwing's New 52 run so far, but this was the first time that a whole issue disappointed me. There were simply too many unanswered questions and bland panels for me to enjoy it like previous issues; it made no headway on the arc's story and kind of left us floundering. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jan 18, 2012

    "Nightwing" #5 is a middle-of-the-road comic. We've had stronger from Higgins and Barrows before, though, and I suspect a lot of the problem lies in this being mostly unconnected to the bigger plotline (save for the last page). With Higgins shifting back to that larger story next month, I have confidence that the excitement level will rise accordingly. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Jan 19, 2012

    Nightwing #5 was a frustrating issue to read. After how great the series has been up to this point it is disappointing to get an issue like this one that takes the wind out of the series sails. Kyle Higgins still does a good job capturing Nightwings voice throughout the issue but the predictable ending ruins things. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Jan 20, 2012

    Nightwing #5 is filler. Fun for those who like to see their hero fighting monsters, but filler none the less. The only important development occurs on the final page and the rest just isn't worth $2.99. Is it a wonderfully drawn and colored self-contained adventure? Yes. Is it a good story? Far from it. Instead, I recommend you flip to the end, take in the unsurprising twist, put it back on the shelf, and buy this week's Lord of the Jungle #1 instead. It's Tarzan, which might make you groan or laugh at the mere suggestion, but it's well written, the cover was done by THE Alex Ross, and it's only ONE DOLLAR. Read Full Review

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