Axel’s betrayal! After a disastrous first date, Power Girl’s suitor’s true colors are revealed. Can a high-flying fantasy do-over make things right between the two? Or will Axel be dumped faster than Streaky’s litter box?
I was smiling and chuckling the entire time reading this issue. It's always nice to see characters enjoy their powers in relaxing ways and there's just some spark of innocence in how Paige perceives the wonders of Asgard. Moore's art is wonderful as always and it's good to see him on a Super related title again. Read Full Review
Overall, Power Girl #12 is a nice dive into romantic fantasy with some fun comedy and a beautiful atmosphere thanks to Moore's art. The book has a couple of rough patches, but not enough to ruin the fun energy present inside. Read Full Review
Power Girl #12 shows how this series has settled into a pattern of bad dialogue and jokes that some would call "quirky and fun. In reality, it's really just bad writing that is almost completely superficial and juvenile. So juvenile it seems beneath what I believe is the intended audience. Read Full Review
The romance between Peeg and Axel is paper thin and is just an OK paced issue on her date in Valhalla (though a few of the warriors look they're from India, hmm). Travis Moore returns to pencil work, the art is good but I feel like the story is kind of just going through the motions. Power Girl learns that Axel is essentially a custodian of the gods; documenting and protecting rare artifacts, cool. When she asks a scrying mirror what is happening with her BFF Omen, it shows her that Omen is in some state of duress.
If you're still reading Power Girl at issue 12, congrats, looks like we both made some poor comic by decisions.
Axel's backstory is the one cool part of this book. I really like his role as an archivist for the tools and weapons of Asgard. Some Valhalla background was ok otherwise as others have said this is really going through the motions. Boring overall and PG is still way too emotional.
Art is good but jarring from Melo's work. Very very different looking. There seems to be so little PG art constancy in this series. Shame.
All in all, PG is boring, Axel is a lot more interesting than I expected.