As Wonder Woman remember who she is, she and Hawkgirl must work together to stop Doctor Psycho.
Phillips, Hetrick, and Louise work extremely well together in another chapter that fits a DC digital format. There might be a tendency to weigh things down a bit more heavily in so small a space. There aren't many panels to a single page in the issue. The creative team makes precise work of detail and negative space both visually and narratively. The first two issues of Sensational Wonder Woman show promise in a standalone story. If the rest of the series can capture the energy of the first two issues, it's going to be a good one. Read Full Review
The story we get here is pretty simple but it works nicely enough. Normally, it'd be one that I think would work best as a single-issue tale but then we wouldn't have had the black-inky thing or whatever it was that Diana got to fight here while set against the white pages. That sequence looked great and definitely just managed to click far better than it should thanks to what Hetrick did. Overall, it's a decent start to the run and I hope to see a lot of creativity from the book without it being constrained to continuity and the like. We saw a lengthy good run with Sensation Comics last decade, let's hope this one goes for just as long if not more. Read Full Review
It honestly feels an AI wrote this issue after reading a bunch WW comics. There's no emotional, no background for the events, nothing.
I am reading two digital comics right now, this and Truth & Justice. Sadly, Sensational Wonder Woman did not start with a bang. While the digital cropping format can take away from the story that is not why SWW has not hit the mark yet.
The story is not engaging, it simply goes along the motions despite a strong beginning, and while astonishingly beautiful at times, the art appears inconsistent.
After Agent of Peace, I simply expected more, but I will give this one more shot. It's an anthology book after all.
I don't know if I have to read anything before these but if not then the narrative is very stupid and flat we don't know how or why we are there and we don't care at all about the characters also the message that this story conveys is not something I'd like to give my audience it's a feminism story for sure but it's more of a "let's belittle men and anything that has to do with them" kind of feminism it's not worth a read