THE WIZARD AND THE FAMILY SHAZAM! Mr. Mind has wormed his way across the entire world, and it will take way more than a single champion of Shazam to stop him! And finally, will the Shazamily become an official family?
Both Waid and Campbell did a strong job of following up on the work Johns did, but I wonder if DC will want to go back to some of the more classic elements with the next take, given the fate of the movie series. Read Full Review
Shazam! #21 concludes this series in a rushed, but sincere manner with excellent themes that feel current to the state of the world today. Read Full Review
while the ending wasn't bad, it was very clear that Josie Campbell was a fill in. She's not a bad writer, but this 12 issue run of hers was not memorable compared to Geoff Johns or Mark Waid.
This final issue definitely feels a rushed and heavy handed in its message. It’s clear last issue was a fill in, but it seems that Josie Campbell was also required to wrap things up in just one issue. There’s a suggestion that this story arc could’ve gone on for a few more issues. This series started with a lot of promise under Mark Waid and Dan Mora, and they made some changes that were exciting for readers who prefer a classic take on the character. Subsequent issues seemed to lose the momentum and go in a different direction. Maybe the mediocrity will finally convince DC to take CAPTAIN MARVEL and the classic Marvel Family to their own Earth where they can be the most important characters and thrive in a classic iteration insmore