IT'S ALL COME DOWN TO THIS! Conner fights tooth and nail to protect the victims of Dominator X. But when the dust settles, what will it mean for Superboy's future as a hero?
Conner still has his teleporting bracelet on. He is now a star-hopping super. He will help anyone who needs it. Overall, I thought this was a fun series, a really nice introspective look at Conner. And I like where he is at the end. He has made some progress here. He can still be funny and brash. But he has a new heroic maturity. Will it last? I can hope. Kudos to Porter and Lindsay. Read Full Review
This is a fine and satisfying ending for Superboy/Connor Kent. Connor Kent often gets neglected like Tim Drake, so it's nice for him to have a good mini-series. I relate to this as sometimes I feel like an outsider, but it wrapped everything nicely and it was entertaining with solid character moments for Connor Kent
This is a perfectly fine ending to this mini-series. Considering where this could have gone, I suppose it is really one of the better endings for the series.
My score is more to reflect the series in its entirety. Its a good mini-series worth pick up. You end with Superboy finding where is place is and who he should be as a person. Some solid growth and good plot to explain that he will be around the super family but often in space in the future so maybe the super family wont get too oppressive/overwhelming on earth.
My only real gripe is more that previous damage to Sueprboy (lore wise), made it so that Porter just wrote him finding himself again which was already done, but then undone so this is kind of just re-tread more