Supergirl must fight both Mokkari and the out-of-dimension Viking Judge to save Director Bones from the fury of the Viking's magical ax! Meanwhile, with Director Bones out of the picture, Cameron Chase and Lar-On must break into the D.E.O. to save Veritas before the clock counts down to zero and the psycho-redactor erases her memories forever!
That's a wrap folks. My guess is that if the title wasn't ending this week the DEO storyline would have taken a bit longer to wrap up. Given the time/page constraint, I think Orlando and Houser did a very good job. But most importantly we get this coda. Kara is in a very good place and that makes me happy. Hopefully DC builds on this when they send her on her 'new mission'. Read Full Review
Orlando and Houser's Supergirl has been very good, but their Kara Danvers has been fantastic. Read Full Review
Supergirl #20 brings the series, sadly, to a conclusion. However, the finale is full of life, energy, and optimism. While the story is a bit bloated and unwieldy, the charm of Kara and the excitement of her battle with both Bones and Goldenaxe manages to shine through and make the comic very readable. As such, it still earns a recommendation. Check it out. Read Full Review
Theres Lar-On a gigantic panting red werewolf hanging out and a dude that looks like a cross between Dr. Strange and Nightwing named Neon (horrible name) shooting out a bunch of red blue and green swirls out of a delicious looking staff-love it all. Read Full Review
While a solid issue of Supergirl, this installment falters greatly as the final issue of a series which, up until this point, had been a gem. Read Full Review
Overall, it's hard to accept this is the end of this series. This run has done better, and deserves better than to end where it has: Supergirl could have been a lot better with more cohesion, a less episodic structure, fewer cameos, and a clearer goal. The ride is over though, so we'll remember the best parts from the Girl of Steel that we've enjoyed from the past twenty issues. Only few of those memories will come from this finale. Read Full Review
I had a tough time getting through this issue. It's not bad but it is boring. The fight between Supergirl and Turid takes up the majority of the issue and it's deeply uninteresting. It certainly looks nice; the art is great. But there is no tension and the issue feels hollow. Read Full Review
Steve Orlando uses his final issue of Supergirl to push his upcoming New Age of Heroes book and while that's The Unexpected, this is just unforgivable. While the issue looks great, I have never been madder at an issue of a comic in a long time, maybe never. I haven't been the biggest fan of Steve Orlando, but I am now done with him completely! Read Full Review
Supergirl #20 is the end of the run for the title, and given that it is a finale issue, one would expect the story to be about the Girl of Steel herself. However, that is far from the case. Read Full Review