Superwoman #6

Writer: Phil Jimenez Artist: Phil Jimenez, Trevor Scott Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 11, 2017 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 16
5.8Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

"WHO KILLED SUPERWOMAN?" part six! In this penultimate chapter, Lana Lang prepares to grapple with the insane, god-like Lena Luthor as her army of allies launches their assault on the Bizaress swarm! Will the combined might of Steel, Natasha, Maggie Sawyer and the MSCU, Atomic Skull and Lex Luthor be enough to win the day? Plus, the secret origin of Lena Luthor is revealed!

  • 8.0
    ComiConverse - Kyle King Jan 14, 2017

    Plotting, pacing, callbacks, and characterization were the hallmarks of this strong installment, which helped to overcome the shocking disappointment of the series' beginning. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Jan 11, 2017

    This issue has a lot and it slows the arc down overall, and while the main threat is Lena, Lois's fate is the most important aspect that we continue to get very little on. It's a little unbalanced, but not bad. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Jan 18, 2017

    So many questions! And now a rewritten Lex origin? I guess I will need to read the end of the arc to see if it all comes together. But this was a speedbump for a title that had been firing on all cylinders. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Weird Science - Dillyn Chadwick Jan 11, 2017

    Way too much happens in this issue but nothing happens at the same time. Lots of talking, lots of narration, lots of unnecessary fluff that half way though, I lost interest. This issue was so hard to get through and toward the end, none of this even matters and I don't care about what happens. All we needed to know is everyone now has to get together to stop Lena. But didn't we already know that? Read Full Review

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