Teen Titans #2

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Mike McKone Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 13, 2003 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 10
6.7Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

The new Teen Titans head out to meet the new and improved Cyborg, but things won't go as planned. Meanwhile, Tim and Conner discuss their shocking discovery about Superboy, and Impulse gets a lesson in reality he won't soon forget from the classic Titan villain Deathstroke!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 22, 2003

    Since I used up an entire column offering up my thoughts on the final pages of this issue, I'll use this one to cover the rest of the issue. First off it's great to see the villain of this issue back to being a big, bad villain, as he's a far more effective character in this arena than he ever was as a Punisher wannabe. I also like the idea that Wonder Girl is shown to be still largely uncommitted to the idea of being in the Teen Titans, as in the aftermath of the rather horrid miniseries that preceded this book's launch, it's nice to see the deaths that were offered up being acknowledged via the actives of the characters. The revelation about Superboy's genetic origins is also quite intriguing, if only for the simple fact that it should be interesting to learn if Lex Luthor is aware of his connection to Superboy. The older Titans also get some solid moments, as Beast Boy & Impulse have a fun clash of personalities, and Cyborg gets a chance to make an impressive arrival scene in this i Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Tim Hartnett Aug 18, 2003

    I am very happy to see a book join the ranks of the Top 20, as it is certainly deserving of that position. However, I do feel Mr. Johns' shortcomings will spell problems for this book in the future. More time needs to be spent on the characterization, especially as the team moves into their first missions. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Aug 14, 2003

    McKones turning in his best art yet on this title, toning down his distortions to capture a truly heroic looking group who have yet to explode into confident action as a team. If Johns can avoid the most obvious sorts of cliched superteam plotting, this book might truly become as classic as the Wolfman/Perez era it quotes. Read Full Review

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