A fiendish alliance unfolds behind the scenes, unbeknownst to Batman and the TMNT as they are forced to fight a Poison Ivy-powered Snakeweed!
• New team-ups and classic characters return!
Overall I like this series. It's easy to just pick up and start at any point, but I would still get the first two issues. Read Full Review
While not particularly plot heavy, the sheer fun of the issue continues to drive this story forward and it's a blast to read. More please. Read Full Review
Rock-solid entertainment, and a fun nostalgic trip. The writing is getting more confident, the characters are pretty much spot-on, and the art style is simply fantastic. Batman/TMNT Adventures is a solid book that, if nothing else, offers one more adventure in the Batman universe so many of us grew up with. That the Ninja Turtles are also here is just an added bonus. Read Full Review
Batman TMNT Adventures puts out another strong issue with someclever humor bits that stole the show for me personally (see Robin and anybody).The art continues to be a reason to also consider purchasing this title becauseif you're a fan of either cartoon series represented here there is plenty tolook at and enjoy overall. Read Full Review
There's never a dull moment.
this comic series is goofy and silly, and definitely screams 'Kiddie Cartoon'.
and although there is some fun to be had with this series, i really needed to come back to this comic after i was more accepting of a more silly mindset.
my first attempt at reading this today my mind just couldn't get into it.
the art is very beautiful to look at, but the Joker looking off-model of the Btas design was very distracting.
and as much as i try to hear Mark Hamill's Joker voice coming from him, i just can't picture it.
maybe more of Troy Baker's Joker voice, but not Hamill's.
otherwise there are some very cool looking Panels, and i love the way Sommariva draws Batman!
he is more