Garbage Pail Kids Puke-tacular! #1
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Garbage Pail Kids Puke-tacular! #1

Writer: Peter Bagge, Dean Haspiel Artist: Mark Pingatore Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: December 24, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 2
7.1Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Remember mullets and teased bangs? Stonewashed denim jackets and jeans? Well, not everything about the '80s was lame, because that's when the Garbage Pail Kids ruled the world! Those irreverent, satirical stickers quickly became a pop-culture phenomenon, but they never had their own comic book... until now! In the spirit of the avant-garde cartoonists and humorists who fathered these miscreants, a new generation of alternative-comics creators has lent their unique talents to bring the Garbage Pail Kids into the wacky world of comics- just in time for their 30th birthday!

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Adam Alamo Jan 7, 2015

    If, like myself, you hold a bit of sentimental recollection for the disgusting little rug rats known as the Garbage Pail Kids, you can't go wrong with this collection of repulsive stories. It's a pretty funny book overall and features a great array of writers, artists, and poop jokes. IDW is set to release their next Garbage Pail Kids one-shot in time for Valentine's Day and nothing says love like giving your wife a book titled "Love Stinks." Which is why I won't be doing that, but I may very well pick it up for myself based on this book. And yes, I know there was that one Garbage Pail Kid that actually had THREE names. Also, "Comic-Con Ron" is my new favorite Garbage Pail Kid. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Jimi Longmuir Dec 24, 2014

    None of the stories featured here are ever going to win a Pultizer like Art Spiegelman's other famous creation, Maus, or even an Eisner, but I suppose that's the point. Just as the cards were an excuse for cartoonists to let loose and thrill kids of a certain mindset with the disgusting depictions, this comic is the perfect vehicle for the creators to play with the legacy of those cards and give the rest of us a laugh in doing so. I suppose for anyone who isn't familiar with the cards, the relentless toilet humour would probably be a bit much, but the truly excellent caricature work by all artists featured more than makes up for it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Bree Ogden Dec 17, 2014

    "Garbage Pail Kids: Puke-tacular" is a lot of fun, I'm guessing just as much for us older kids as it is for the younger tweeners. There are a ton of throwbacks to the 80s but enough new comic genre tropes and stereotypes to keep children of the 21st century involved. It's gross, just as we all remember it being, perhaps not as evil or violent (I remember some really malicious Garbage Pail Kids), but the ick factor remains intact. There are some really clever meta-moments not only for us old-timers, but also for comic con frequenters and really, just fanboys/girls in general. Buy it for your tween and then keep it for yourself. You know you want to. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Eric Bridges Dec 23, 2014

    Garbage Pail Kids is a fun gross comic but it wasn't for me. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Fangoria - Svetlana Fedotov Dec 23, 2014

    Among the authors and artists to help pen this disgusting den of disorder is the indy sweetheart Peter Bagge, cartoonist Bill Wray, and artist Fred Wheaton (who helped bring the card back during their 2011 run)among many others. The diversity of the creators brings together a fantastic, magazine press feel that harkens back to the days of Saturday morning cartoons and really captures that very particular time and place where all it took was a solid fart joke to brighten your day. For fans of bad humor and kitschy art, PUKETACULAR will surely delight the wicked kid inside of you. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Major Spoilers - Chris Wilson Dec 28, 2014

    If you get even the slightest inclination to pick up Garbage Pail Kids Comic Book Puke-Tacular, don't! Nothing here is worth reading and there are better ways to waste $3.99. It's also been listed as a kid's title, but be warned: there is material, specifically language, inappropriate for children. A review should always find at least one thing positive about its subject but the only things I can is the art in one story at least resembles the original trading cards and some of the coloring is well done. Maybe I'm too old for Garbage Pail Kids, but I doubt it and there is no excuse for writing this bad. If I didn't work in a comic shop with hope of trading the book back, I'd probably be furious. My heart goes out to the other poor suckers who dropped money on this. Read Full Review

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