Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #57
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Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #57

Writer: James Roberts Artist: Priscilla Tramontano Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: September 28, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 4
9.2Critic Rating
9.1User Rating

END OF THE ROAD! On Luna 1, the scale of SENTINEL PRIME's ambition becomes shockingly apparent-and while RED ALERT struggles to separate friend from foe, PROWL convinces FORTRESS MAXIMUS to take the ultimate gamble.

  • 10
    BGCP - Dave MacPhail Sep 28, 2016

    As an end to this series and the beginning of the next it is easy to recommend this issue to anyone who is interested in reading it, it features and incredibly talented creative team who excel in every aspect of their craft. This particular tale though only two issues long will have some repercussions when we finally catch up with the crew of the Lost Light next issue. Roberts rarely does anything that isn't in some way connected to the greater story he is trying to tell and it can often be years later before things come into play though given that Prowl is slinking around its unlikely he will stay quiet for long. As always this book regardless of how it is named, will remain at the top of my reading pile and I am excited to see what December holds and you should be too! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Outright Geekery - Shannon Ledene Sep 27, 2016

    Art wise: Tramontano proves again that women are killing it in the industry. Killer robots are hard to draw due to their great detail, and massive amounts of robots with massive distinct details are even harder. so, hats off to Tramontano and other transformer artists who can do that. It really has the feel of an epic movie in comic form. kudos to Tramontano. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Gizmo Dec 16, 2016

    It is a rather quick and uninspired way to defeat Sentinel Prime, though I'm sure he'll pop up again with Onyx Prime soon enough. I love the journey that we go through with Red Alert. The background noise reading that they get at the end must have been sent from another reality by the IDW team, I see MTMTE, 2012-2016 (the years that this was published in) and 57 (the number of issues) hidden in the code. And so ends the best ongoing Transformers run thus far. It's a shame it can't continue with the same numbering all the way up to #100, but I'm just glad that I don't have to say goodbye to this series thanks to its continuation in Lost Light, which I'm confident will take us to the glorious #100 landmark. Don't sleep!

  • 10
    MKW69 Nov 4, 2017

  • 9.0
    daspidaboy Aug 11, 2021

  • 9.0
    mseccatore Oct 7, 2016

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