A twisted horror tale from Garth Ennis (the legendary creator of The Boys and Preacher) and Mike Perkins (Bat-man: First Knight, Swamp Thing)! Hollywood After Dark-werewolves, vampires, zombies, aliens, bogeymen, predators, and... things. They all have their kinks, and they all get in deep shit. They all call Freddie... to fix it. The horror-skewed intersection of The Boys and Ray Donovan. The debut offering from Ninth Circle, the creator-owned, creator-driven, horror showcase of standalone bone-chilling tales of terror and mayhem! NOTE: this one-shot will be perfect bound,more
Ennis, Perkins and the rest of the creative team have a series that has to get another installment in 2025. This is far too entertaining to be just be a one(shot) and done. Read Full Review
Freddie the Fix is an awesome read. Garth Ennis brings it on every page of this story. Giving some mystery, a little horror & gore, and some of that classic Ennis humor. This story has a little something for everyone. The only down part to this story is that its currently only a one shot. Read Full Review
Perkins offers some fantastic art throughout the issue. The art beautifully captures the tone of the story while also delivering beautifully detailed characters and environments that capture the eye and the imagination. Read Full Review
I'd read this if it were ongoing.
It was okay, a typical Ennis story. Had some crazy moments and a few laughs, but not very memorable.
This one was meh, thought it would be alot better & wasn't a fan of the art. Glad this was a one-shot cause I wouldn't continue reading it as a standalone series.