After being betrayed by the bears that raised him, the legendary Shirtless Bear-Fighter wanders the forest he's sworn to protect, fistfighting bears, eating flapjacks, and being the angriest man the world has ever known!
When wild-eyed, super-strong bears attack the citizens of Major City, Shirtless ventures into the human world to do what he does best...PUNCH THOSE BEARS IN THE FACE! But all is not as it seems. Someone is manipulating Shirtless...and only by confronting the demons of his past can Shirtless hope to save his future!
A heart-filled, hilarious, tall tale for the ages... you don't want to miss SHIRTL more
Shirtless Bear Fighter could be one of the funniest comic books I read so far. This is something Alfred E. Neuman would have copy write for his Mad magazine. No one knows who's the parents of Shirtless one thing is certain. Don't call flapjacks pancakes. If funny comic books reading is your favorite pastimes, get naked and read this. Read Full Review
Great story and a helluva read! Make sure you put this on your list. Read Full Review
'Shirtless Bear Fighter' is ridiculously awesome and unabashedly silly. Call it a parody of action comics that take themselves way too seriously or an homage to movie hero tropes but either way this is an irresistibly good time. Sit back, relax and watch Shirtless fistfight bears, eat flapjacks, fly his bear-plane, and kick ass while completely butt-naked. It's the conspiracy comedy action thriller with rampaging bears and a burly man with a pixelated wanker you didn't know you needed. Read Full Review
The bottom line is that if you find the idea of a brawny naked guy fighting bears funny, know that the only proper topping for a flapjack (don't you DARE call it a pancake) is 100% pure maple syrup, and like your humor when it crosses over into the absurd, then you should be talking to your local comic shop and asking them to pre-order Shirtless Bear Fighter #1 for you. FOC is May 29th. Previews order codes are APR170718 & APR170719, and the comic will be in your shop in June. I think you'll be glad you did. Shirtless Bear Fighter is hilarious, if you like that sort of thing! Now I'm going to go and read my review copies again… Read Full Review
For quite a while, Image have been putting out books that eschews the original superhero ideals of the founders of the company. This is massive credit to Image, who have managed to carve out a niche for their books, most of which I recognise as high quality even if I don't always enjoy the stories. With Shirtless, Image have caught my attention with their pastiche of all that has gone before. Read Full Review
This book has all the potential in the world. There is absolutely nothing standing in the way of this energetic new series and the equally energetic team behind it. I look forward to seeing the world of Shirtless Bear-Fighter! broaden its ursine horizons. Read Full Review
A naked wild man, evil bears, government agents, and a plot to take over the world. Oh, and flapjacks. Welcome to the insanity that is SHIRTLESS BEAR FIGHTER #1. It's glorious. Read Full Review
We need more comics like this one. I loved everything about this book. It's a complete parody of what superhero comics are but done in such a smart, witty and over the top way. Also who doesn't love a good repeatable dick joke!? Even while being a parody the feels are still brought in a strong and intense way that you really feel for Shirtless. Many times a comic that is mostly based around over the top humor, can be really forgettable. That's not the case here at all. We have a well crafted engaging story with some great stylized art that also manages to make you laugh. This is just for the adults but still trust me you wanna read this book. Read Full Review
Strong artwork and campy takes on classic tropes make this debut issue a romp to remember. Read Full Review
Basically, if your Image reading list has a Luther Strode-sized hole in it right now, Shirtless Bear-Fighter is the comic for you. Read Full Review
Shirtless Bear-Fighter is a home run for me. It hits all the right silly notes, not taking itself too seriously. I can't say this a concept I ever would have thought would exist as a comic book, but I sure am glad it does. Count me in for more bear-planes and issue #2. Read Full Review
Would I say this book is fun? Does a Bear-Fighter poop in the forest?! If you're a reader that likes their action big and not taking itself too seriously, you'll love this! I'd bet my shirt on that. Read Full Review
Do not let the silly premise fool you, this book has tremendous pacing and action sequences that really make you believe in Shirtless. The hits are made more intense with "Bear Punch!" written next to them, which just proves that this team had as much fun making this as the readers will reading it. Read Full Review
It was such a fun read, the story is super ridiculous at times but that just makes it so much funnier to read and made me not want to put it down! all around a very fun read and I can not wait to read more! The art is very well done, it is a funny story, and I really love the story so much! Read Full Review
Bear puns and beatdowns, all wrapped in a nudist lumberjack aesthetic " granted, Shirtless does don pants by the end " that's the currency being traded here. Straight-forward in internal logic and ridiculous in execution, it's bloody amazing. Read Full Review
A fun trip through the forest with the manly new hero our country so sorely needs. Read Full Review
All around Shirtless Bear Fighter is exactly what it says it is, a story about a man who does not wear a shirt and fights bears. It is a funny concept and the creative actually puts a little story behind it to keep the reader's attention and to drive onto the next issue. The only real problem with a series like this is how long does it stay funny? Read Full Review
The only thing that worries me is that Image's audience doesn't seem to gravitate towards comics of the comedy genre. Which is a shame because it seems like a great fit for the publisher that publishes everything. Personally, I would love to see more genuinely funny comic books. They're so rare that I could write you a list of the other titles I've read this year and it wouldn't be worth posting. If like me you enjoy a funny story and sure it's not one that will make you gut laugh, but instead, put you in a great mood and leave a smile on your face, then you should give Shirtless Bear-Fighter a chance. Read Full Review
The real question, of course, is whether or not this creative team can sustain this pastiche of '80s action tropes without beating a dead horse (or in this case, bear). But as far as debuts go, Shirtless Bear Fighter winds up being worth its weight in maple syrup and flapjacks. Read Full Review