Cordelia and her boyfriend Francis have been targeted by a rogue faction of wizards seeking revolution within the Magic Order. And when she's displaced as leader and replaced by an old enemy, the world will never be the same again.
Albany's foul play continues to ripple through 'The Magic Order' Vol.4 #2 By Mark Millar and Dike Ruan. An issue that skips along at a brisk pace thanks to a suspenseful and tense script and cool, slick and stylish art from Ruan. Read Full Review
This issue Millar show's off how good he is at playing with the pieces of the puzzle he's been laying out since the beginning of volume 3 as well as right back to volume 1. Excellent callbacks to several plotlines and ideas are made clearer, while the art team beautifully brings the drama on page to life with shocking, sometimes gross, but always beautiful artwork in a series that has never had a single page of bad art in it. Read Full Review
The Magic Order never disappoints, and this was another stellar issue made even better by the faint tease that things are going to get better for the Moonstones. Read Full Review
If you have any interest in exciting stories involving magical battles, betrayals, love and death, then give this seris a read. Dike Ruan's art is top quality, too. Recommended.