Think Tank #4

Writer: Matt Hawkins Artist: Rahsan Ekedal, Brian Reber Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: November 14, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7
8.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The conclusion to the first arc of THINK TANK! Dr. David Loren, slacker genius, must escape the most secure facility in the world and then escape from Fort Meade in the heart of the Washington DC power corridor. The ultimate story of brains versus brawn and a commentary on America's so-called exceptionalism and military industrial complex.

"THINK TANK grabs you from the very beginning and has you begging for more by the end. A great introduction to a new character and a new world. A must-have for anyone who wants something cool... and who doesn't want that?" - ROBERT KIRKMAN (THE WALKING DEAD, THIEF OF THIEVES, INVINCIBLE)

  • 9.3
    BGCP - Marco Piva Jul 26, 2016

    So, in conclusion: Think Tank is not exactly the easiest and most relaxing of reads, not due to its complexity but because the topics it touches on are incredibly sensitive. But it is a great series. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Nov 14, 2012

    Think Tank #4 is one of the smartest comic books that you're likely to read this year. If you're not following this already stellar series then you have no one to blame but yourself, go out and buy a copy! Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Nov 19, 2012

    Do you like holy &%$#@ endings? If so, check this book out ASAP. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Blue Raven Comics - Garry Robertson Nov 15, 2012

    A brilliant end to this particular story arc, as well as a really interesting and clever journey through the mind of a flawed genius. I anticipate another story full of twists and turns and, of course, more cool gadgets. This concluding issue gets a well-deserved 8/10. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geekality - Sal Brucculeri Nov 15, 2012

    Overall, this was a great comic. Matt Hawkins really shows off his comic writing ability in Think Tank #4. If there is any comic that you can read and enjoy every panel and every word of this is definitely it. I can't rave enough about it and do it justice. I highly recommend this comic and every issue before it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Nov 14, 2012

    Here I thought this was only a four-issue miniseries but surprisingly and thankfully there's more to come. Matt Hawkins has created a great character with David Loren. There's something about a character than has a high intellect and can use it on the fly. We have a cool new character and world. Originally meant to be a four-issue miniseries (a trade is due soon), but the story is not over. With a bit of a cliffhanger ending, there's room for more to be told. Rahsan Ekedal's art fits nicely and despite the predictable love angle (that we often see in action films), you'll find yourself rooting for the character and wanting to find out what happens next. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jamil Scalese Nov 19, 2012

    The conclusion for the first arc details the final portion of David's escape from the government facility he's worked and lived out of for much of his adult life. The ultra slick super genius utilizes real life science in his getaway, from suggestion gas, to invisibility suits, surface thought mind readers and localized EMP bombs. The series' credibility links to the idea that military tech is fifteen years ahead of what's available to consumers, and most of its success derives from Hawkins' research and background knowledge. Along with artist Rahsan Ekedal, the two have pieced together an exciting ongoing. The main downfall is that David is smarter, hotter and cooler than me, and it depressing to read about his fictional success. Read Full Review

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