Escorted by military hard cases, a group of scientists descend into a strange cave system in hopes of unlocking the secrets of a flesh-warping infection. But the cave system is crawling with hideous creatures that not only twist flesh, but minds as well! Is it possible this disease is working with a ghastly purpose? The nightmarish mystery deepens as this tale of terror from writers CULLEN BUNN (REGRESSION) and KYLE STRAHM (SPREAD) and rising star artist BALDEMAR RIVAS continues!
Overall, Unearth #2 is another great issue in an already amazing series. Since this issue is light on the grotesque " well, outside the pustules on the walls " I'm expecting more body horror as the series continues and we start to spend more time with the diseased. It's safe to say I'm strapped in for this ride and I can't wait for issue three. Read Full Review
Baldemar Rivas has delivered some beautiful art in this issue. Everything is filled with detail and many of the moments will fill you with visceral dread. Read Full Review
Though not as thrilling as the debut, Unearth #2 adds depth and detail, all the while continuing to excite and entertain. Read Full Review
Dont expect Unearth to reinvent the wheel. However, it has the potential to go many unexpected places. With great art and a locked-in mood, if this is your aesthetic, this comic will very much be your thing. Read Full Review
UNEARTH #2 takes a bunch of stellar horror influences and gives us a so-so result. Read Full Review
Once again the real winner is artist Baldemar Rivas, who's cartoonish style and fascinating usage of colors really helps the book cut loose in the visual department. Read Full Review
Plenty of creatures and fun concepts stock the shelves of this second issue, and while pretty to look at, the plot and ideas are derivative of many other horror and sci-fi properties. Read Full Review