Amazing Spider-Man #609

Writer: Marc Guggenheim Artist: Marco Checchetto Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 21, 2009 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 5
5.9Critic Rating
6.6User Rating

WHO WAS BEN REILLY? PART 2 As Raptor tightens the noose on Peter and those he loves, the turbulent days of the Clone Saga comes back to haunt Peter Parker! Can Spider-Man ensure his future while battling his past?

  • 8.8
    Comix 411 - David Torres Oct 22, 2009

    Marc Guggenheim is a very good writer. Not sure if I mentioned this, but I wish Marvel would drop the rotating creative teams and make Amazing Spider-Man a monthly again with Guggenheim at the helm. Looking forward to the rest of story. Pick this one up. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 21, 2009

    What this arc needed more than anything was some helpful trimming. By toning down the flashbacks and eliminating Screwball's presence altogether, this story could probably have been comfortably told in two chapters. Still, I suppose there's always hope that Guggenheim will have some surprises in store for the third and final chapter. We'll see. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Oct 20, 2009

    Having said that, it's also a fairly simple, straightforward and generic superhero comic that doesn't have any truly memorable scenes or clever hooks to make it stand out as something special or unique. And, if I'm absolutely honest, I'd rather see the book plough forwards with more original creations than spend time and effort trying to rehabilitate the Clone Saga. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Oct 23, 2009

    Nothing ground breaking in this arc, but it's a solid effort from everyone involved. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Oct 22, 2009

    If you are a huge fan of Kaine, you may enjoy his return here, but for the rest of us there isn't much to like here. Guggenheim does his best, but his solid writing is undercut by the uninspired plot. Read Full Review

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