• Not one to miss a party, PRODIGY shows his face in Vegas and reunites with the rest of the Slingers!
• But whose side will the reformed team fall on?
Rated T+
Kaine's return makes me wonder how Ben's clone brother may play into his attempt at redemption. After the current conflict will Kaine disappear for another few issues, or will the title get a co-star as the two flawed copies of Peter Parker try to make good together? Worth a look. Read Full Review
Of all the non-Peter Parker Spider-Man comics that have come out since Spider-Verse, this is one of the most entertaining stories. Scarlet Spidey may have gotten off to a real rough start but hopefully this arc straightens out its trajectory. Read Full Review
Peter David continues his 90's web weaving in Las Vegas by elevating the danger levels, by adding a known psychopath!!...well...sometimes you have to burn a city to the ground before you can rebuild it. This issue moved a long swiftly and nostalgically sending me down another whimsical wikipedia whirlpool that sucked away hours of my life, and that is not counting the hours more I will spend reading the material in question on The App. Read Full Review