Captain America #601

Writer: Ed Brubaker Artist: Gene Colan Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 15, 2009 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 8
7.8Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

A special double-sized issue featuring art by the legendary Gene Colan! Bucky and Nick Fury uncover a lost tale from Cap and Bucky's days in WW2 - a tale of horror and war and brothers-in-arms. Rated A …$3.99

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Rob G. Jul 15, 2009

    Captain America fighting vampires in WW2 That says it all. I love that Brubaker mined the Cap mythos for characters like Baron Blood and based a story on it. I also enjoyed this story being rehashed between Bucky and Nick Fury as Fury watched Civil War battle footage and noticed something amiss, i.e. the Skrullpresence. There is also something great about Bucky and Fury's relationship, how they served under General Patton together and how they are still contemporaries. I'd like to see more of these X-Files type stories that took place during Cap's past. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    IGN - Dan Phillips Jul 15, 2009

    Though it doesn't fit all that naturally alongside Brubaker's recent Captain America work, issue #601 is still an excellent read and a stunning accomplishment by Colan. It'll make you want to dig through your collection for his past work, or run to the store for the black-and-white Tomb of Dracula reprintings. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jul 21, 2009

    I'd love to see more work like this from those talents from past years - these veterans have a lot to offer today's industry. They don't call them "the Greatest Generation" for nothing! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers Jul 14, 2009

    To top it off, this story is rather enjoyable and worth the money. If you are a Captain America fan, Bucky fan, vampire fan or World War II fan, this title is certainly for you. Uniquely, Marvel offers the colored version and the black and white version in a fitting send off to one of their greats. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Jul 14, 2009

    While it doesn't tie into the current "Reborn" story, this 'lost annual' does feature Steve Rogers as Captain America again, which seems fitting. And, after the celebration of Captain America's history in issue #600, Gene Colan illustrating the book also seems fitting. His art really overpowers the writing and makes this a must buy. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Jul 16, 2009

    It may sound weird saying this about an Ed Brubaker book, but you really need to approach this issue with the mindset that the writing is secondary. The story is a bit messy and doesn't really reflect the quality we expect from Bru. However, Colan's unparalleled style and grace with his line work is something to behold, especially given his age. This isn't the finest Captain America story by any means, nor is it the best example of Colan's work, but its still worth your cash and an issue you should probably pick up. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comix 411 - David Torres Jul 16, 2009

    This was a very good story, but I was really disappointed by Gene's artwork. If you want to see some really good classic artwork by Mr. Colan I would checkout his website His old work is fantastic. I would pick this issue up if you're a Cap fan or if you're into vampires. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Jul 19, 2009

    The real value in this issue is its being penciled and inked by the legendary Gene Colan. Colan was a highly influential and popular artist on many Marvel titles like Daredevil, Iron Man, and Sub-Mariner, to name a few. His style might not be as appealing to the comic books readers of the last 20 years or so who have been thoroughly Jim Lee-ed, but Colan was as much a pioneer and trend setter for his day as Jim Lee is for the current age. Its a real treat to see some fresh art from him on a classic character. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Jul 16, 2009

    Brubaker's plot is a fairly conventional one, far more ordinary than Cap readers have come to expect from him. Mind you, it's an accessible story, one that casual readers or just Colan fans can pick up without worrying about needing to know what's been going on in Cap continuity (save, perhaps, for the fact that there's no explanation for new readers about how Bucky came to be alive and well in the 21st century). The more conventional nature of the writing is easy to forgive or ignore, as it's clear that Brubaker is writing to the artist's strengths here, ensuring the spotlight remains where it belongs: on Colan. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jul 29, 2009

    My first impression of this issue: Why did they ruin Gene's art with such garish coloring? It's as if somebody decided that moody and compelling art isn't enough to make a vampire tale eerie, they needed to Photoshop the crap out of it. Granted, Colan's work has grown more difficult to color as his craft grows more complex, but somebody really needed to reign in the computer guy on this issue. The cover identifiedthis bookas "A Very Special Issue" (albeit not one where Blossom loses her virginity) and it comes across as such, but it's an odd sort of choice in both timing and content. The WWII purview is neat, and the flashback story is well done, but the Civil War behind-the-scenes makes me wary that we're going to see another situation like "Avengers Flashback Theatre," where the stories in the titles were halted, and the monthly issues used as DVD extras for the huge summer crossover. If they do that with the regular Cap title during the run of "Rebornded," I'm going Read Full Review

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