Captain Marvel #6

Event\Storyline: Civil War II Writer: Christos Gage, Ruth Gage Artist: Kris Anka Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 29, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 7
7.2Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

•  Old friends face off as enemies in an event that will change Captain Marvel's life forever.
•  As war erupts, Carol finds herself at the forefront of battle. But after tragedy hits too close to home, how far will Carol go to fight for what she believes in?
•  This is Captain Marvel at her finest. In her toughest fight yet.
Rated T+

  • 8.3
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Jun 30, 2016

    Captain Marvel #6 may be where the tie-in to Civil War II begins, but this team knows how to keep your attention when this is still Carol's show. With the Gages you knew that this would still put character writing above all, and that is more than enough reason to keep Captain Marvel on your pull list for the time being. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicosity - Doug Zawisza Jul 1, 2016

    This isn't the most gripping adventure Captain Marvel has ever endured, but it is a fine expository adventure for readers of all levels of familiarity with Danvers. Captain Marvel #6 is a concise, inviting first step. I can't wait to see this team start flying. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Matthew Mueller Jul 1, 2016

    If you've been looking for a good place to hop on, Captain Marvel #6 is a perfect place to start, and if you're looking for a more fleshed out angle in regards to Civil War II, this is the place to get it. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    IGN - Jeff Lake Jun 30, 2016

    Considering Carol's role in the Civil War II title proper, it comes as somewhat of a surprise just how little her core title dips into the conflict. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jul 2, 2016

    Everything is solid. I'm just"really disappointed that we're going to get wrapped up in Civil War II rather than explore Carol as her own, individual superhero. Marvel went to all the trouble of setting up this interesting new status quo, and now they won't even let Carol play with it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Jul 3, 2016

    If you're looking for another solid issue in a series that's been enjoyable from issue one, then this issue of Captain Marvel may fill the bill. If you're expecting and hoping this issue will have greater importance in the Civil War II event, then you may be disappointed. This book seems like it's about a month too late in terms of tying into the event and fails to capitalize on Carol Danvers' importance to Marvel's future"but"it's still an enjoyable sixth issue that could have been better if released alongside or right before the first issue of Civil War II. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Jul 4, 2016

    This issue of Captain Marvel left a lot to be desired. Perhaps if someone was just reading this comic and not paying attention to the crossover, it would have been better. However, considering Captain Marvel is one of the biggest parts of the crossover, I would be surprised if readers of this book weren't keeping tabs on Civil War II. There's just not a lot that happens in the issue and feels more like a set up for a story we already know. Read Full Review

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